CIA Academy of Espionage

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Like I said, I am going to the CIA Academy of Espionage, to meet someone named Ben Ripley. Everyone says he is the best there ever was, well that's why I am going there, to see how good he is. When got there this person in a tux said ''Hello, what are you doing here?'' well I had no clue what to say so instead I said something that was kind of dumb. ''I am a new student here.'' I said. ''oh, then carry on.'' he said. so it is official, I am a student at the CIA Academy of Espionage. The first thing I did was ask the guy in tux were my room was, he said it was a right then left and then my door number is 412. So I went to my room, looked around, then went to find my target Ben Ripley. Everyone seemed to be in the mess, what turns out to be a cafeteria. Ben was siting next to this girl who is around 16, Ben seemed to be around 13, I am 15 so I am in the middle of both of them. I went up to Ben and said ''Are you the famous Ben Ripley?'' He seems to be humble because he said ''Well I am not that great.'' then he said ''Who are you?'' Looking at him was making me want to beat him so I said the dumbest thing I could ever say. ''I am your doom.'' then I drop kicked him and went in for the punch. The girl must like Ben because she attacked me. If you already did not know I was the strongest person in my class so she made a BIG mistake. Well, kind of. It turns out she was pretty strong because she tackled me and we went flying to the other side of the room. Ben tried to escape because he ran away, but I was prepared, I took a grappling gun and shot him in the head. He hit the floor faster then you could bang. The girl seemed upset about this because she punched me in leg then flew on top of me. Then I punched her in the nose and did a flying kick and knocked her out. It turns out the girls name was Erica and was the strongest in the school. So after I knocked her out everyone backed off, one kid called the police. But the CIA showed up, not the police. They shot at me but I was prepared, I took out a handgun and shot back. One stupid kid ran right into my bullet, it hit his arm though. He fainted and the CIA got mad and shot thousands of bullets my way. I did the one thing that I have never done before, run. It might be kind of wimpy but I was hurt and the CIA was sending more people, so that's why I ran. But I did not run away, I ran in a circle back to the mess.   

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