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An amused look then settled on Harry's face as he glanced at his nervous wife, "Hope you're ready for a plane ride, love."

Deanna's shoulders slumped, "Damn it! So close."

From the intercom, that annoying female voice spoke, "Thank you for flying United Britannia Airlines.

Sam took a deep breath, "All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane."

"Yup," Harry smirked at the dirty blonde who was scowling at him.

But her eyes blew wide, glancing between the two quickly as she finally got what they were saying, "Whoa, whoa, now just hold on a second."

"Deanna, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right..."

Harry gently grabbed her chin to look at him, before murmuring to her, "D, that plane is gonna crash."

She closed her eyes, "I know."

Her little brother nodded, "Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it."

"I'll get the tickets," Harry confirmed, then turned to the younger Winchester, "You get whatever you can out of the trunk."

Sam nodded again, "Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes."

Deanna shifts on her feet, a weird expression on her face and her husband looked at her, "Are you okay?"

"No, not really."

"What's wrong, Love?"

"Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..."

Still standing there, Sam frowned, confused, "Flying?"

Deanna scowled at him, "It's never really been an issue until now."


The older Winchester spun around and jabbed a finger into the middle of Harry's chest, "Riding on the back of your bike with my hair down, doesn't count."

The man shrugged and Sam, this time rose an eyebrow, "You're joking, right?"

She turned to her brother, "Do I look like I'm joking? Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?"

"All right," then he gestured to himself and his brother in law, "All right. Uh, me and Harry will go."


"Just me and Harry."

The black haired man nodded, scratching his jaw, "Yeah sure. Never been on a plane before. Sounds like fun."

Deanna's hazel eyes glared at him, "What are you, nuts?" she then pointed at her brother, "You said it yourself, the plane's gonna crash."

"Well, Love, it's either all three of us or me and Sam."

The older Winchester groaned, "Come on! Really? Man..."

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