Chapter 12 -Crash and burn.

Start from the beginning

"So what did she say?"

"You're in, she told me that if you want to take her out you have to walk over there in five minutes and kiss her, no questions asked." He looked confused.

"She said that? In those words? You better not be fucking with me!"

"Hey watch your mouth! And if you really dont believe me then fine, i'll go over there and tell her that you think her butt looks fat in her jeans, see how much she wants to kiss you then!" He scowled at me. "Fine, i'll go tell her then." i threatened sliding out of the booth again.

"Okay, okay, okay fine i beleive you!" Taken like a true idiot! well ladies and gentlemen my work here is done.

"Good, now since you dont need me to hold your hand i have stuff i need to get back to like you know that thing you dont have... a life, so after i go do me a favour and please delete your self from existance." taking my bag from the seat i grabbed out my money putting it down.

"Oh you're so graceful." he told me sarcastically as i turned and walked away. waving at the three girls in their booth i thought 'You have no idea.'


Didn't take long for word to get around about how Tyler Burke got Bitch slapped, serves him right for being an insensitive butt muncher! Treating girls like they were objects instead of actual people, Jake and Tyler have girls literally falling at their feet, I will say most of them deserve to be thrown aside for being so dumb and gullible, falling for the cyborg twins lies and the charm I can't see even though they already know what their reputation is with chicks, but they just keep coming, our generation is so pathetic I'm ashamed I'm in it.

Please girls get some respect and some decent taste!

Laying on my bed I pulled my phone out and sent Adam a message.

Me: Hey, hate not being able to see you! :(

A few minutes later my phone vibrated.

Adam: Yeah... Sucks.

Looking at his reply I was instantly aware something was wrong.

Me: What's wrong?

A hour long minute later he replied.

Adam: Nothing... Talk to you later...

He dismissed me? What the hell?

Scrolling through my contacts I found his name and waited for him to pick up. For someone who was messaging me not ten seconds ago he seems to have ran far away from his phone seeing as it's taking a decade for him to pick up.

Finally picking up I waited for him to greet me but it never came.

"Uh hello are you there? talk to me."

"Yeah I'm here, what's up?" His voice was strained through the phone.

"What's up? Really? What the hell is your problem?" I asked getting angry.

"I don't have a problem." He stated.

"Oh really? Adam we have been together for two years please don't start thinking I'm dumb now, I promise you it won't end well." I threatened.

"What? you gonna break up with me are you?"

"Are you crazy, no I love you I don't want to break up!" I told him shocked he'd even think that.

"Well lately you don't seem to love me so why wouldn't I think that?" Oh god he is crazy.

"What are you talking about?" I almost yelled into the phone.

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