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Shu's POV

"..... Y/N?" i said . " Shu i... i... i'm sorry but i gotta go" she said as she run. " wait! Y/N! " i said as i followed her.

" Y/N look out! There's a car behind you! " I yelled and runned faster. "What?" She muttered and look were the car was and the car hit her.

" Y/N!" i yelled.


" Shu? Shu? Oi lover boy! " I heard Lane said and I snapped back into reality.

"Huh? Oh Lane, what are you doing here?" I said.

" well the match between us and hyuga and hikaru will start soon, you ok?" He said. "

"actually yeah, it's that nightmare again..." i said. " well then figure it out oh and also your bey is not spinning anymore " Lane said,

"Huh? Oh sorry about that." I said, I forgot we were training.

*knock knock*

"Come in" i said. "Hey Shu, Lane, can i talk to you Shu in private?"Faith said. "I'll leave you too alone." Lane said as he left.

" what do yo want to talk about?" I asked. " i just want to say goodluck and... is there a problem?" Faith said worriedly.

" well, it's that nightmare again..." i said. "I think it's saying to you that you still like Y/N?"she said, "how? I didn't even said that on the dream" i said.

" Maybe... but i think you still like her i mean you do avoid her and your kinda bit always flusterated when we talk about her sometimes..." faith said as she smiled. "But how about you?" I said.

"Don't worry we can still be friends." She said and smiled again. "Thanks, i'll talk to her later..." i said and hugged Faith. "Alright..." she said and hugged back.

|| Time Skip ||


Shu told me to meet him at the beypark, i wonder why? Oh well. I finally got there and saw Shu.
"Shu" i said, "Oh hey Y/N, can i talk to you?" He said.

"Sure" i said as i walk forward to him. " well uhh i- " i cut him off as rain started to falll. " oh shoot its raining quick take shelter first." I said. "So what do ya wanna say?" I said.


Third Persons POV

Y/N was just there wide eyes.
" Shu i... i... i'm sorry but i gotta go" Y/N as said as she run quickly, but Shu followed her.

"Wait! Y/N!" Shu said as he followed her. " y/n look out! There's a car behind you! " the boy yelled

"What?" Y/n muttered and looked, "watch out! " the albino yelled and grabbed Y/n's arm in time and pulled her away.

This is kinda cringe.

"Not Every Story Has A Happy Ending..."

" Remember That Love Is Not A Fantasy That Hapens In Fairytails"

"We May Be Apart, But Your Still The One In My Heart"

"Sometimes We Just Need To Accept That Fate Is Cruel"


A/N :Just Kidding😂 Don't worry it's not just done yet!

*ambulance sound*


After that i called everyone to come and meet me at the hospital.

' STUPID!STUPID! WHY DID I DID THAT?! I SHOULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING THAN RUNNING! NOW.... now, now he's hurt...." i said in my mind...

"Y/N WHAT HAPPENED?! i heard Shu's mom said...
"Well uhh..."

| After Explaining Everything |

"What?" Valt said.

" oh wow" honcho said speechlessly

"i know, but i can't say yes, i mean i want to but Shu and Faith are dating..."i said.

"Actually we are not" Faith said. "WHAT?!" Everyone in the room said

" yeah, we broke up cuz he said that he still loves you Y/N..."Faith said.

"Oh..." i said taken aback.

" Excuse me everyone..." The doctor said. "Hi doc, is my son ok?" Shu's mom said.

" yes, but he's gonna be staying here for weeks, there were no injuries but he still needs here to stay for a week." The doctor said.

" Thank God" my mom said.

"The patient is now currently resting, you can visit him 1 by 1, if you'll excuse me." the doctor said as she left.

"So who's gonna go first?" Valt said. " Y/N... you should go first" Shu's mom said.

" why me?" I said, " well he needa you right now dear." Shu's mom said. " well if you say so " i said as i left.

*knock knock*

"Come in" i heard shu's voice.

'You can do this Y/N' i said in my mind.

"H-hey Shu" i said as i came in. " Hey Y/N " he said as he sat up. "What are you doing here?" He said.

" Shu i- i imreallysorryhopeyoucanforgivemeandthankyouforsavingmewhatcanidosoyoucanforgiveme?" ( it says i'm really sorry hope you can forgive me and thank you for saving me what can i do so you can forgive me? ) i said.

" Well uh, i forgive you but there is something you can do" Shu said with a smirk.

"What?"i said. " can you give me a second chance?"Shu said. 'WHAT THAT'S ALL?! Oh well' i said in my mind. I then went closer and closer and kiss his lips.

' damn i miss his kiss-'


"Does that answer your question?" I said. " uh... uh..." he said. I then laugh as i heard him say that. "So are we official again?" He said.

"Yes"i said as i smiled.

*knock knock*

"Oh? Come in" i said as i saw everybody with Shu's dad and mine and they look serious.

" congrats again lovebirds" wakiya said. "Yeah, you two look cute together." Faith said.

"Thanks" i told her.

"Dad.." i said again.

"were sorry both of you if its weren't for us your still together, were sorry we shouldn't get you involved in our companies ( ? ) " Shu's dad and mine both said in unison.

"It's fine" me and Shu both said in unisom while smiling.

"Huh?Hahaha" all of them said.

-The End-

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