🐑mc is horny scenario🌈

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Author chan is back with a scenario
(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

". When you told them that you're


- almost spit his coffee

- looks at you shocked

- intrigued

- ".you have been hanging way too much with asmo ."

- gets the whip

- pushed you in bed

". I'll help with your little problem."


- *blushes*

- ".wha-what are you saying! (〃□〃)!

-". I mean if you want too.. ."

- ". After all I'm your first! So.. y/n come to the great mammon! ."


- blushing mess


- *ramble ramble about hentai*

- nervous and excited

- hentai was served


- stopped reading and puts down his book about cats

".y/n I didn't expect you to say that ."

- tackles you on the bed

". You better not regret your words ."


". Y/n you really are my soulmate! 💞."

- strips you in 1 sec

- Already on the bed naked

". Y/n come over here and lets have some fun~💖 ."


- almost choked on his food

". kiss me if this is real ."

- you kissed him

- he carries you to the twins room

- carefully place you on his bed

". Im hungry again an you look really tasty , you don't mind if I eat you right? ."


-woke up from his nap but still sleepy

". Im too sleepy to fuck you , but you can do whatever you want with me ."

- cow girl style

- kisses and cuddles afterwards


- ". nani ."

". Im sorry that I didn't notice you felt that way ."

*carries you princess style to his room*

- fucked you til morning


". I know what your about to say , come to my room ."

*passionate kiss*

".I'll be sure to satisfy your every needs."


- ". oh my Lord! ."

". Y/n we have to go to church first and then pray 5 our father , 50 hail Mary , 5 glory be , recite every Saint and ask them for blessings."

- Did the deed

- Throws holy water at you when finished


- taken a back

". My y/n, that's rare ."

- like it that your honest

". Shall we test one of my potions while we're at it? ."


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