Six - Only Powerful People Own Tigers.

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Six — Only Powerful People Own Tigers.

“Do not leave me!” Vivienne wailed, grabbing onto my skirts and digging her heels into the ground. “Life is nothing without you!”

I picked at her little fingers, beyond amused. “You can come visit. I promise.”

She stopped, narrowing her green eyes. “Promise?”
“I swear on my life.”

“You better bring me a cookie back home.”

I laughed, nodding.

The child seemed satisfied with this, and slowly detached her fingers from my dress, which was now creased from her strong grip. I patted out the creases, and ran my fingers through Vivienne’s hair. The wind ran through it, and in vain I tried to pat it back down. The hair did not go down.

We all stood out in front of my sisters home—who was weeping—and saying goodbye to me. Because, I was engaged to Eli Principle and going to live with him. I remember coming back him and cornering my sister, trying to get out the words while she scolded me for disappearing for a day and making her worry.

“I’m getting married.” I had told her.

Lucie had froze and said, “What?”

Then, I had told her some made up story about how I was nearly stolen and saved by this man, then feel deeply in love with him, over one day. My sister had been delighted, and I am sure she did not catch the sarcasm in my voice when she began to talk about weddings and children. I was not sure children would be in my marriage, only annoyance and curiosity. 

I was entering a world I did not want to enter.

Now, Isabelle wrapped her arms around my waist one last time, before she looked up. “The faerie in the garden says he will look after you.”

“Okay.” I whispered back, kissing her forehead. “I will look out for him.”
“Do not be silly. You cannot see him.”

I was pulled away, and wrapped once more in the arms of my sister, who was fussing and simply being a caring person—and a little annoying. She kissed me on both cheeks, before pulling back and patting down the invisible creases on my skirt. We had been out here for hours, because Lucie simply refused to let me go.

“You send me lots of letters? And I will come visit all the time.”
I kissed her cheek, and patted her belly. “You cannot walk any longer, Lucie, but I will send you many letters.” Just like I had been saying for the past hour.

Finally, Charles came and took his wife’s elbow. “Come, dear, I am sure Alys wants to leave.”

I did not, actually, but I had to pretend to like my fiancé.

Giving Charles a fake relived smile, I kissed everyone on the cheek just one more time before entering to carriage. My trunks had already been placed on the carriage and the coachman had exceptional patience. As soon as I had settled down, the carriage was alive underneath me and trotting away.

Poor man must be dying of boredom.

I looked out the window, and waved to the little girls who were all waving at me, jumping on their feet and blowing kisses. Lucie did the same, but did not jump, while Charles gave me a small wave and turned to his wife. I didn’t see what he said, because the carriage had already left the land and was on the path.

I dropped the curtain and leaned against the seat, breathing deeply. 

I really had to fall into trouble everywhere I went, did I not?

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