4 - Reunion

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He sat down in the chair. Click. You had absorbed the handcuffs after picking them. You put your hands in front of you, on your lap.

"Weren't we trained to do that faster?" he asked.

"Well, I wasn't sure when the right time would be," you retorted. "Besides, you are probably the only one who knows it is pointless to put them back on. Also, they were beginning to rub my wrists."

He sighed. "Well, there's no avoiding the topic. Why are you here?"

"Isn't that obvious?" you replied. "You guys brought me here."

"Is the wipe still in effect?"


"Please remove your mask." It had been the same type he wore while working for HYDRA. He had never seen her without it. They began talking faster.


"When were you born?"

"I don't know."

"What's your real name?"

"Riza Nightshade. Didn't you read the pin?"

"That's not your real name."

"Well, how am I supposed to know?"

"How many more are there?"

"Of what?"

"Of us. You know what I mean."

"Don't you know?"

"You were given a higher clearance level."

"We still fought them. Sparred with them. All the same."

"How many are there?"

"Four, maybe five. Probably dead by now. Why?"

"You went on a mission recently. Killed a man named Helmut Zemo. Why? Was it an order from HYDRA?"

"I did it because I wanted to. I saved you and the rest of the Avengers a lot of grief by doing so."


"Wanda can look in my head. But," you leaned forward, "she wouldn't find anything except chaos, blood, and... Thanos."

"Thanos? Who is that?"

"They call him the Mad Titan. After his planet died due to overpopulation, he has had just one goal: to collect the Infinity Stones and use them to wipe out half of the universe."

"What is an Infinity Stone?"

"Strange can tell you. Basically six stones that wield a lot of power. Remember Red Skull?"

He nodded, interested.

"He held one in his hand. The Cube. The Tesseract. The space stone. There are five more. All of HYDRA's weapons: the guns, shields, you, me, they were made from that stone."

"What about the others?"

"I know where they all are. The Mind Stone is in Vision's head right now. The Time Stone is supposedly unattainable and missing, but I know where it is and who is guarding it. The Power Stone is on another planet, unattainable by our current technology. The same with the Soul Stone. And the Reality."

"How do you know all this?"

"You know my teleportation skill?"


"I used that to travel into the future. To see the most likely outcomes. One way or another, it all leads to Thanos. And if it turns out the way I saw it does, three - maybe four - of us die in the end. The oldest Avengers gone or retired."

You had lied. You had been teleported there, true, but not of your own volition. You had met a girl with glowing markings, claiming to be a Time Keeper or Keeper of Time, or something like that. She showed you the movies of all the Avengers, saying that she was in charge of all multiverses, past, present, and future, etc. Along with a few other things, she had made sure to tell you to kill Helmut Zemo. It should delay Thanos long enough for her and a few other companions to intervene. "Tell people what you saw," she had said before sending her back. "But don't tell them about me."

He looked shocked. The oldest Avengers dead or retired? That included Steve. What if... no. He wouldn't let his mind wander. Shadow was here to make sure Thanos didn't happen for as long as possible. He glanced back at the mirror, where Tony and the others were. He got up and left, leaving you in the room.

"You're... Like Me?" Female y/n x Bucky Barnes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now