Lexa saw the woman visibly untense her body after hearing Madi.

Madi jumped into the woman's arms nearly causing her to fall over but luckily she kept her balance.

The woman knelt to her knees and held Madi in her arms kissing her forehead over and over again.

Lexas heart started beating faster and there was a heavy pressure in her chest. But it was nowhere near as intense as when Lexa heard the woman finally speak.

"Madi? Oh my god Madi!"

Lexa could've sworn she was frozen in time once she heard the woman's voice. She couldn't breathe she felt like the walls were closing in.

The woman pulled her daughter into a stiff embrace letting tears flow, not caring that there were bystanders behind them.

Speaking of the bystanders Lexa noticed them take their helmets off as well.

None of them said anything, most likely letting the mother and daughter have their moment.

"Madi are you okay? Did he hurt you, because I'll kill him if he did!" Clarke yelled as she was checking Madi's body for any wounds.

It was as if she was just looking for an excuse to beat Cadogan to death with her bare hands.

"Mom I'm fine," she says in response.

Not convinced Clarke keeps checking her body for any wounds.

Mom I promise I'm fine,"

Madi repeats herself in a more gentler tone as she looks into her mother's eyes noticing the dark circles underneath her shining blue irises, which were most definitely caused by the stress of searching for her.

Clarke finally sighs out of relief.

A million thoughts floated through her head... what should she say. How would she make her presence known. How would Clarke reac-

And there it was, the only thing Lexa could say in the moment, she couldn't care less that there were other people in the room. Or that she was in enemy territory and they could strike at any moment. Or even that she was on another planet 132 years in the future. The only thing she cared about in this moment was-


Everyone turned around pointing their weapons in the direction of her voice.

Clarke turned and looked in her direction.

Lexa's breath caught when she saw Clarke's face for the first time in 132 years.

She was so beautiful, Lexa wondered how someone who was 150 years old could look even more beautiful than she was when they first met back in her tent.

Lexa sheathed the sword she still had in her left hand.

Clarke moved towards the front of the group begging herself not to get her hopes up only for it not to be Lexa.

Lexa started pull her helmet off.

Clarke audibly gasped at wha- no who she was seeing.

The ReturnМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя