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"Alright, I'll met you know." He says with a yawn as he grabs his things. "I'm going to have a good time."

"Can I come too?"

Roman shrugs. "I don't care."


LA KIFFANCE is the ultimate funhouse. People from far and wide travel to lose themselves for the night. Their afterparties are intense. One lasted for a day and a half straight.

The neighbours weren't happy.

The cops decided to join in as well.

After the force and the local new stations got involved, no on duty cop was allowed back into the club. Except to arrest people.

That's where Sandro got the idea to dress up as a civilian on his weekend shifts and pretend to be an undercover cop busting narcs in the bar.

Once he got so drunk, he almost bust Cyrus Kharbouch, the son of the richest man in France, Hedi because some baby powder fell down through his tight jeans in the middle of the dancefloor.

They all had a good laugh about it afterwards, just like Roman's having right now, watching this poor soul in a banana costume dance like he's just crapped himself.

Edging his way closer to the dance floor, Roman grabs his drink and starts recording the man. Before he can finish, he looks over his shoulder and stares at Roman. He raises an eyebrow:

"What are you doing?" The man asks, watching as Roman slowly pulls his phone down. A slight heat stabs his cheeks. "Tell me.."

Roman points to the champagne fountain that's glowing different colours. "I was filming that but you were in the way, Kid."

The kid nods and pauses for a moment to inspect Roman in his blinged up priest outfit with a water gun sticking from his pocket.

"Do you not know who I am?" He replies back with a slight glare.

"Let me think for a moment." He examines Roman again and gasps when he finally realises who he is. "You're Roman Algabhar, right?!"

Roman nods. With a slight grin, he says. "Yes I am, and you dance like my Grandma who can barely walk."

The kid responds back a slight laugh as he tucks his dark brown locks behind his ears. "Maybe her creaky bones inspired these moves."

"I see you make bad jokes too, Kid."

He nods back at Roman. "Yes, I like having fun—and also—I've seen your films and all the re-runs of passant par les passions."

"And do you like them more than you like having fun?"

He fans his face. "I kinda think you're hot—Why are you here talking to me—I mean—yes I do."

"Relax, Kid. I'm talking to you because I want to. Roman laughs and hands the kid a glass of chilled champagne from plate of the barman passing them. The Kid seems surprised. "What? I come here a lot. It's my favourite club in the whole city. They all know me well at this point."

He takes a slug of champagne and smiles back. "Well, I'm glad I came here."

"Do you come here often?"

He shakes his head. "No—well not as often as I should."

Roman runs his fingers through his hair, checking to see if the hair gel is still holding his style in place. He smiles back. "Are you here with anyone, or just dancing alone?"

He shrugs. "Well, I'm sorta here with this dude I like... as a friend. His name's Hugo." He adds, watching as a guy with a close crop, sharp facial features, piercing green eyes and a dumb costume walks over with two drinks. He hands the kid one as he sets the empty champagne glass back. "Thanks."

Roman examines the human sized piece of toast that's decided to join them. "So, you must be Hugo then?"

Hugo nods back. "And you are?"

"Your boyf—friend's wet dream." He laughs as Hugo shakes his head in response. "I'm Roman Algabhar. From Passant Par Les—"

"—Passion, yes I know." He looks back over at the other guy, who's really giddy now. "So that's why Tarin's so happy. Have you give him your autograph yet?"

"Where does he want it?"

Tarin smirks back. "Somewhere where the sun doesn't shine."

Hugo laughs. "He just doesn't want his Maman to see it."

"Why does Timothée not want her to see it?" Roman adds with a laugh. Tarin glares back. "What? You do kinda look like Timothée Chalamet."

Tarin balls up his fists and moves closer towards Roman. "Don't call me that! That's a bigger insult to me than being called a whore or a bastard!"

Roman backs away a bit. "Woah! Sorry dude, I didn't know that."

Hugo pulls Tarin back. "Dude, chill. Can't you be normal for once?"

Tarin sighs and looks over at Roman again. He holds out his hand. "I'm sorry, Roman. I just ...don't like being compared to him. Honestly? I've seen more personality in a cardboard cracker than I have that guy, no offence."

Roman smiles back. "Look, it's okay. I get people thinking that I act like Serious D all the time. It gets annoying, but then you get used to it over time. You even start to joke about it—"

"—But you aren't being compared to Tinyfeet Chalafae."

"Fair enough. I'd be offended too." Roman laughs. "Tiny-feet Chala-fae?"

Tarin nods. "Well, he has tiny feet and he looks like fairy. Or some elf from a fantasy series. He looks really dainty."

"So do you." Hugo jokes. Tarin tries his best not to flare up again. "I'm joking."

"Yeah, I know. But don't start me."

Roman's just standing there, watching them both. He's really entertained. Taking another Champagne flute, he laughs as Tarin and Hugo argue over something stupid for the next five minutes, until Tarin decides that he's going to go for a pee. "Is this what you normally do?"

Hugo shakes his head. "He's had a lot to drink, or something. Maybe some drugs. I have no idea."

"Are you his babysitter?" Roman asks Hugo as he pulls out a cigarette.

"Worse than that. I'm basically in charge of his money. "


Hugo nods. "Yeah, his Papa put me in charge of his allowance."

"Interesting." Roman adds as he finishes lighting the cigarette. "Wanna come outside with me?"


They walk outside, and Tarin's already there talking to a couple of older men. He smiles at a sighing Roman as they walk over to him:

"You're Roman Algabhar, right? That guy who plays the idiot junkie in that show Passant par les passions?" The man closest to Tarin says.

"Yes, I am." Roman says back, not knowing whether he should laugh, cry or just shout at the guy. "I go here a lot."

"So, I see you're enjoying the fancy dress theme." The man examines his outfit and smirks. "I can make your night much better."

"How could you possibly do that?"

The other man walks over to them. He reveals himself to be Luc Mathieu, the illustrious film director. "How would you like the role of a lifetime?"


A/N: I KNOW I NEED TO KEEP FINISHING MY IDEAS but I actually really like this one. I will actually try to finish this one, lol. What do you guys think of it so far?

Dedicated to Mittu for being awesome and inspirational! :)

𝐈 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒 (Fall 2022) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz