
After I finished putting on the suit I lean down to zip and tie up my boots. I enjoy wearing them because they give about three inches more to my height. Finishing up my outfit is tying my hair up. "Stand up Straight in front of the mirror and others" Maxim always told me it made everybody feel more intimidated. After I'm all done my gloved up fingers push open the door to the hall. My boots occupy the empty space with loud clicks from the heels. Finally walking down to the end of the facility I make my way up into Maxim's office. I knock twice on the bulletproof door waiting for a response. 

"Come in!" His voice booms out from behind the door signaling for me to open it. He's sitting at his familiar wooden desk that's filled with stacks of files. He doesn't look up, but instead just hands me a vanilla colored file named F. Volkov and a pair of keys. He lets me go with a simple wave of his hands. I roll my eyes and step out into the hall to open the file.

"FELIX VOLKOV- Age: 56, Height: 5'8, Location: Tyumen, Russia." The rest of the information just had which street and apartment he lived in. I close it making my way out to the elevator that goes out into the world. Halfway on my ride up I realize that Maxim gave me the keys to his truck. "Weird. He never trusts anyone to use his stuff." My head leans back up when the doors to the outside open up with wind blowing ferociously. My feet start moving through the crunchy snow as I get where the vehicles are. I find his car, get in, adjust the seat, and start my journey on the back roads.


Tyumen is loaded with traffic at night. The sound of car horns occupy my ears throughout my way to Felix's apartment complex. It must've been a couple of days since I left the facility, I was hungry and tired. Maxim always said, "To complete a mission with skill, you must always finish the task first then you can take care of yourself." I've always listened to his advice. Even though he's such a dick, he's always right. A small ding comes from the GPS device that came with Maxim's car. I look over to my right and realize that I'm at the apartments that Felix lives in.

I waist no time to get into the dull building. Opening up the doors, my nose fills up with the stench of alcohol, smoke, and sweat. There are about fifteen kids my age sitting at the base of the stairs. They're all calm and having a good time until they spot me staring at them. I feel embarrassed so I open up my mouth to speak, yet nothing comes out. One of them starts to talk to me, not moving from where he's sitting on top of a girl with short blonde hair, "Hey," he starts in Russian, "It's late. We've never seen you around here before." I glace around, trying not to make eye contact with the kids a few feet away form me. To ease the awkwardness I look back up at them who are waiting for me to answer them. I raise my hands up to under my chest interlocking them when I start speaking.

"I'm here for my uncle, he has something of mine. I think I need to get up those stairs." I point to where they're sitting. I feel so stupid. I never talk to kids my age; I've seen in magazines that they're always hanging out with each other. Maxim has always said that whenever I'm on missions I should only talk when it's necessary. I never get nervous when I talk to older or younger people, but I think it's my lack of communication with kids my age that makes me choked-up. 

"Oh. Come on! You seem like a cool chick, why don't you come hang with us. Or are you in a hurry?" I really do think about it for a moment. I could make friends my age! People who aren't always ordering me around. People that I could maybe relate to. Or maybe I would make a fool of myself. I would not know anything they are talking about, I do basically live under a rock. I'm a murderer, why would they want me as their friend. In the end I make up my mind, I always have to finish the task first. "I'm in a hurry. I need to get through." The boy who spoke to me moved aside and the other couple followed. I make my way through the middle of them and start my way up to the floor Felix lives on. I make it up about twenty steps when I hear them start to laugh and say something about my outfit. I keep going, trying not to think about what they might be saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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