Rumors of the Jailbird

Start from the beginning

(A/N: Quite like this.)

Yukina was taken aback by this and reflexively released her hold, thus allowing Guren to take her leave.

As soon as she stepped out the doors, though, Lisa came by. "Oh, Guren! Good timing..." She trailed off from her words upon seeing the girl limp as she walked. "What happened to you?!" she then asked. Before she could take another step closer, Guren glared at her, causing her to flinch and stop in her tracks, as the injured walked past the bassist. "Guren...?"

A couple of girls approached Lisa with worried expressions on their faces.

"Are you okay, Lisa?!" one of them asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine," she stuttered out.

The other girl turned back to Guren. "Looks like rumors about her were true, after all..." she said, catching Roselia's bassist's attention.


"You haven't heard? That girl is Sakura Guren, also known as the 'Shujin Jailbird'."

"'Shujin Jailbird'?"

"Yeah. Apparently, she's a real troublemaker in her other school. Always committed crimes and hung around the wrong people. Yet despite getting arrested for even the worst crimes, she still got off the hook with the police," the first girl explained. "How did a delinquent like her get transferred to our school?!"

Hearing that made Lisa think back to last night, and said, "W-Wait a second. You all believe in that? Aren't those just rumors?"

"We didn't, at first. But apparently, some girls went to the same middle school as her and vouched for the rumors," the second girl stated.

"I even heard from a senpai that Sakura-san is supposed to be in their school year, yet she's a second year now," the first girl added, much to Lisa's bafflement, as well as Yukina, Maya, Hina, and Kaoru, who overheard the conversation. "If she came to school all roughed up like that, the rumors about her has to be true. Lisa, you and the other girls absolutely cannot be around her, or who knows what she'll get you involved in."

The five second-year band girls only stayed silent, for different reasons. While this was news to Kaoru and Hina, both who wondered how much of what they heard was true, the two Roselia members and Maya looked back to Guren, the former two now understanding the meaning behind Guren's words, especially going by how the other girls were silently avoiding eye contact with her as she walked by.


'There goes my peaceful school life... Then again, I should've expected this, considering my crappy curse,' Guren thought, eating her lunch on the rooftop, while listening to some muse on her phone. She winced as she moved her arm, and set her bento down. She removed her blazer, lightly grunting as she did, and revealed a slit on her sleeve. A cut, to be exact, and some bandages wrapped around her arm, with a dark red liquid color on them. 'Damn it... I'm moving my arm too much...' Guren dug into her bag and pulled out a clean roll of bandages. Undoing the bandages, there was a cut hidden underneath, with some blood smeared on it.

"At least we don't have PE today," she muttered to herself, wrapping the roll around her wound.

As she did, the doors to the rooftop opened up, and footsteps were heard.

"Guren-senpai!" Himari called. Only...

"Not here..." Moca sighed in her usual tone.

While Guren was at the rooftop, to be exact, she was sitting above the doorway, legs dangling over the ledge. As soon as Afterglow arrived, the second-year moved away from her spot and lied down, hiding from the first-years.

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