Part 12

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May 28th

After finally getting out of the nurses office, you said goodbye to Peter so that you could go and change into your normal clothing. But when you got into the locker room, there was nothing there. Someone had taken your average clothes as well.

"For fucks sake." you muttered under your breath before walking out of the locker room, keeping you head high to seem unbothered.

"Hi, why have you not changed?" Peter asked and you sighed.

"Someone stole my clothes so it is either this or going naked." you said and he frowned.

"Why can't people just give you a break?" he asked and you smiled brightly at him.

"Thank you for caring Peter, but it is not a big deal. Oh and also, when Ned comes over today, would you mind coming as well? I kind of owe you an explanation." you said and he smiled.

"I'll be there."

"Good, now if you excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." you said before walking over and into the ladies room. You quickly picked a stall and locked the door, sitting down on the toilet cover with a sigh. Yes, you were trying to act fine, but that doesn't mean you are. You soon heard the door to the room open and you quickly pulled your legs off the floor to hide that you were there. You started eyeing the stall walls, flinching at the writing.

'Y/N the freak.' one text said in red, another one read; 'Y/N is a fat slut.' This one was written in blue, there were plenty more texts about you and you felt tears building up in your eyes.

"Did you hear what she did in gym class?" a voice asked from outside and you knew exactly who they meant.

"Of course and I bet she faked the pain just to get attention." another on countered and hugged your legs close to your body.

"Of course she did. I heard something else as well."

"Spill it."

"I heard her mother is dead and that Y/N was the one to kill her. She is obviously deranged, I can't believe that our school let's a monster like that walk around. What if she attacks someone?" they continued and you bit your lips harshly. They soon left the room and you slowly walked out of the stall.

With a sigh, you got over to the basins and splashed some water in your face. You dried it off and looked yourself in the mirror, making sure there was no sign of you being upset. Once you felt happy with what you saw, you walked outside and met Peter.

"Hi, ready to head for class?" you asked and he nodded with a smile. You started walking by his side when you felt a hand on your behind, causing you to turn around with a gasp. "What the hell?!" you exclaimed at the boy standing behind you with a smirk.

"What? Flash said you were easy." he said and you wanted to punch him so badly, but held yourself back since you already were in enough trouble, you were quite literally on probation by the state.

"Well, tell Flash that he can go to hell." you muttered and the guy chuckled.

"Come on babe, we both know you're a fucking slut." he said before getting a fist thrown into his face, but it didn't belong to you. You turned to the side to see Peter looking pissed.


"You're dead dude." the other guy snarled and you quickly stood between them, one hand on each of their chests to hold them back.

"Stop it, you're both making fools of yourself." you yelled at them and the guy scoffed.

"You're only using us fighting as an excuse to touch two guys at once." Peter tried to come at him again and you had to use both hands to hold him back.

"Back off guys! Mr Morgans, Mr Parker and miss L/N, you're all going to the principal's office right now!"


The three of you sat in a tense silence as you waited for your guardians to come pick you up. They decided to put you in the middle to lower the risk of a fight starting, but you were pissed at both people sitting next to you.

"Y/N..." Peter started but you cut him off.

"Don't. I have a lot to say to you but we're not taking it here." you snapped and he sat back in his seat. Suddenly, your father walked into the room and looked at the three.

"Y/N, let's go. Parker, I talked to your aunt and I am picking you up as well." he said and you both stood while the other guy stared at Anthony, looking starstruck.

"Yes Mr Stark." Peter mumbled as Anthony lead the way out. You stopped by the parking lot, climbing into the car that Happy was driving. "Happy." Peter greeted and Happy looked back from his seat.

"Parker, Y/N."

"Good day Happy, how's life treating you." you asked and he smiled slightly at you.

"Pretty good, thanks for asking." he said and then the car went silent. The rest of the ride was spent in silence and you stared out the window the whole way to the tower. The car stopped and you all stepped outside, Anthony leading you and Peter to you bedroom.

"Before we get to the scolding, can I change into some actual clothing?" you asked and your father sighed.

"Yes you can, change in the closet and later, I want to know why you're in a cheer-leading outfit to begin with." he said and you nodded, walking inside the closet.

*Peter's POV*

"So, you punched a guy?" Mr Stark asked and I nodded. "May I ask why?" he continued and I sighed.

"I am not a hundred percent sure. I was mad at him, but I usually don't go to violence." I explained and he nodded.

"Why were you mad at the guy then?"

"Because the guy was being disrespectful." I exclaimed right before the closet door opened and Y/N came out in a pair of black jeans, band t-shirt and a blue flannel.

"You know what, I'm going to let you guys talk, then once she is alone here, I'll talk to her, sound alright?" he asked and we both nodded slowly. "Good, bye now." he said, walking out and closing the door behind him.

"What were you thinking?" Y/N exclaimed and I sighed.

"He was being a jerk towards you and I acted before I thought." I explained and she rolled her eyes.

"Exactly, he was being a jerk to me, why did you punch him. I don't know if you noticed, but I can take care of myself!" she yelled and I scoffed slightly.

"Is that so, then why were you just standing there. You didn't do anything about it!"

"Because I can't! Because of the fact that I am a criminal, I am on probation by the state. One little misstep and I can get sent to the same damn facility as my friends are located at. I need to keep a low profile, yes. But I don't need you to defend me."

"What do you want me to say, what's done is done." I shot back and she sighed.

"I want you to give me an explanation. Why did you get so upset when he was treating me like that. It doesn't make any sense." she said, mumbling the last sentence.

"It doesn't make sense to me either! I have no clue why I reacted like that, but I did and I'm sorry if I upset you. But I am not sorry that I did it because he had it coming." I said as the door opened.

"You guys went out with a bang back th... did I interrupt something?" Ned asked and Y/N shook her head.

"No, it is about time I explain it to you."

1332 words

I think we're getting closer to the end of this story guys!! I am  so excited for the ending cause I have an idea for it already.

- A/N

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