Part 11

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May 28th

*Peter's POV*

After I had been running in place, Ned been doing sit ups and Flash practicing small ball sports, it was time for Y/N's first obstacle. There were eight obstacles in total and we would all do two each. Her first one was climbing up one of those ropes hanging from the ceiling, looking at Flash's face told me he was planning something, but I didn't have time to think about it.

"I just had to get the climbing exercise on the one day I am wearing a skirt." she said and I chuckled, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I'll make sure these two boys keep their eyes on the appropriate places." I assured her and she smiled.

"Thanks Pete." she said before turning to the rope and getting into the right position to start climbing. She was quicker than anyone else I've ever seen climbing, even though that only meant the people in this class. In no time, she had climbed three fourths of the ropes length.

But then Flash "fell" and pushed the rope.

*Normal POV*

You had climbed most of the rope when suddenly, it started swinging ever way possible, causing you to lose a grip with your legs. The weight made you slip slightly and also made the skin in your palms burn, but you didn't fully lose grip and only ended up sliding down a meter or so. But you still let out a yelp of chock and slight pain.

You looked down slightly to see that everyone had stopped with their tasks, now staring at you in chock. Peter, Ned and Greendale stared in worry while Flash looked awfully smug.

"I'm going to grab the rope and steady it. Once I have, I want you to climb down, no need to climb up the rest of the way!" Coach yelled so that you could hear from up where you are and you nodded.

"Sounds good sir." you said while steadying you grip for the sudden shake that happened when he caught and steadied the rope.

"Alright, you can climb down now." he called out and you listened, carefully making your way down. Once your feet reached the ground, Greendale put his hands on your shoulder to look at you.

"Are you alright miss L/N?" he asked and you gave him an assuring smile.

"I'm fine sir. My palms are just a bit burned."

"Good, you don't need to sit the rest of the lesson out?" he asked and you shook your head with a small smile.

"No sir, I can assure you that I'm fine." you said and he nodded slowly. You turned to Peter and Ned who were still staring at you. "What?" you asked and Peter shook his head as to gather his thoughts.

"It's just... that was so cool. The way you hung on with sheer strength was amazing." he breathed out and you blushed slightly.

"Thank you."

"Alright everyone, next obstacle everyone! Group eight, it's your turn on doing push ups and Thompson just volunteered." he said and everyone went to the right spot, except for Flash, who everyone knew sucked at doing push ups.

"I didn't volunteer." he argued and our teacher smiled not so sweetly at him.

"You did now."


After Flash had done his push ups, Ned got to skip with a rope. Now you volunteered to do exercises on a metal bar being placed a meter and a half up in the air. It was either that or doing tricks at the rings and you did not feel like being high up in the air so Peter said he could take that. So here you are with your hands on the bar.

(Imagine you do some of these lol)

As you did your last exercise, something hit your hand harshly and you dropped your grip on the bar, causing you to land harshly back first on the thin mat.

"Shit." you got out with a groan as the large amount of pressure met your already bad back. The pain immobilized your entire body while tears started building in your eyes.

"Y/N? Are you alright? Mr Greendale?!" Peter yelled and your teacher came running instantly, seeing you on the ground while a tennis ball was bouncing behind you. You felt a hand on your shoulder, but your vision had gotten to blurry for you to see who it was.

"Y/N, can you hear me?" a voice asked, slowly helping you up to a sitting position and the relief of pressure on your back brought your senses back slightly.

"Yes... I can hear you." you said, turning your head slightly to see your teacher sitting there, helping you to sit while Peter just looked worried as he crouched on the other side of you. Your teacher sighed lightly in relief and so did Peter.

"Good, do you know what caused that?" he asked and you nodded.

"Yeah, I already have hurt my back so..."

"Can I take a look?" he asked and you looked down as you thought for a second, before nodding. He carefully lifted the back of your shirt while you held the front in place. A small gasp came from Greendale and you turned to him. "What happened to you."

"A... robot like thing threw me in a metal beam." you said and his eyes widened.

"When was this?"

"Well, it is the 28th, so about three days." you told him and his eyes widened even more, making you worry about them dropping out of his skull.

"Have you even gotten it checked out?" he asked and you sighed.

"No, but at least it is clean."

"You're going to nurses office, now. Parker, you take her there while I make sure some kids gets to the principal's office." he said and Peter helped you get up on your feet, your legs weren't able to hold you up and you would have fallen if he didn't grab you.

"Is it alright if I carry you?" he asked you and you nodded slowly with a small blush on your cheeks. He picked you up bridal style and carried you all the way to the nurses office.

1034 words

I still haven't decided what I want Peter to be, but even when I have, I will drag it on. Maybe show hints of more than friends even if they are just friends. Or maybe give hints of rejection when they do like each other as more. We'll see...

- A/N

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