Part 7

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May 25th

Bucky and Sam were running through the actual airport building, Wanda and Clint were higher up than you to keep lookout until they were needed while you and Scott were simply waiting for the signal. You hadn't been given enough time to hack into the suit so they could still find people with the scanners.

Peter swung in and took Cap's shield while webbing his hands together. You saw them talk for a little longer before Cap held up his hand and Clint shot him free. Scott turned tiny and took Cap's shield from Peter and handed it back over. After that, T'Challa went for Bucky and Sam while Anthony went for Wanda and Clint. Scott tried to keep Nat busy, but got thrown into metal.

"You okay?" you asked and Nat turned around at the new voice.

"I'm fine kid." he groaned out and you sighed while Nat eyed you, ready to fight.

"I got this, you go help cap." you said getting into fighting stance before Nat. "Look, we can do this the easy or the hard way, but none of us are backing down." you said and she smiled.

"Neither are we." was all she said before throwing a kick, which you backed away. She grabbed the you by the neck and threw you head first into a small cargo carriage, one that was made out of metal. You ignored the ringing in you head and turned around. 

She then threw a punch towards you which you caught, you got a chance and grabbed her by the underside of her upper arm and hip flipping her while a loud explosion could be heard. You started running with the other toward the quinjet, but was stopped by vision.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now." the two teams stared at one another in silence, both coming up with plans in their heads.

"What do we do now cap?" Sam asked and he shook his head slightly.

"We fight." with that we started walking forwards, walking turning into running. Everyone took on someone and you thought for a second before running over to Wanda who had taken on Peter.

"I got this one." you said, picking up a gadget and throwing it at his arms. He tried to push it away by reflex, but it  became cuffs around his wrists They cover his hands so he can't shoot webs. "Sorry Spidey." you said, turning around and running to the rest of the fight. "Red guy!" you yelled and Vision turned to you.

"What is it?" he asked in his ever so calm voice and you smirked under your mask.

"Freeze." you said throwing another gadget on his forehead, right over the stone. It deployed a thick colder than ice layer that would make his laser rays less dangerous. "Where do you need me?" you called out while Cap talked to Sam.

"Cover me and Bucky as we go, we are the main target. The rest of us will keep the other team as busy as possible." he said and you nodded.

"Copy that." Scott turned big, like huge and grabbed Rhodey, which the three of you took as a signal to run. Vision used his beam toward a tower right next to the building you were running for and you swore. Wanda tried to hold it up but Rhodey got to her.

The building continued falling and you three ran quite literally for your lives. The other two stopped suddenly, focusing on something else while something grabbed your leg, causing you to fall. T'Challa stood there, walking towards Bucky, but you grabbed his leg this time. In no time, you two were trying to fight the other one off.

"You're not gonna stop." Nat said on the other side and the other two stared at her.

"You know I can't." You got a good hit at the black panther, but his suit is stronger than it looks and your hand pulsated in pain. He hit you on the throat and you had to focus hard to grab his arm and hold him back, ignoring the trouble breathing.

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