∞ rules

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Neverland Graphics : Season Two

S u g a r C a n d y


∞ be a follower of sweetnesseu and never unfollow.

∞ don't even request here if you requested a cover from another graphic shop already,i don't like being a second choice.

∞ horror and fantasy stories aren't accepted 'cause i can't make covers with that kind of genre.

∞ unpublised stories aren't allowed,eventhough you promised to use it,i still won't accept it.

∞ a form without link won't be accepted immediately,i can also decline a request whenever i want.

∞ only kpop idol and korean actors or actresses can be accepted for the characters for your requested cover.

∞ be detailed and specific,never tell me : "Kayo na po bahala," or something like that.

∞ maximum of 5 characters only,please,i'll be more strict and decline forms with 6 or more characters.

∞ a group is equal to 5 characters,yes.

∞ don't re-edit my work nor remove my name in the cover i made.

∞ comment or atleast say thanks before getting the cover i made.

∞ bash my works and you'll be reported.

∞ i'm still an amateur editor and still learning how to make a good book cover.

∞ this graphic shop will also have thirty five slots just like my past graphic shop.

© sweetnesseu

❝ Sugar Candy Graphics ❞Where stories live. Discover now