Yamato watched the choppers lift off and head out for the sortie...Musashi was also angered by Nagato's plan.

"NAGATO! Do you realize that you signed their death certificates? You sent them to assault and STEAL from an Abyssal supply line what is wrong with you??" Musashi protested, finally breaking her calm silence.

"If they're as good as they claim, there should be no problem, right?", Nagato replied calmly. "You shouldn't worry too much either."

"You've gone off the deep end Nagato...we need the Admiral's alive, not dead. Then again I wouldn't be surprised if you had some ulterior motive to the suicide mission you just sent them on." Musashi scoffed before leaving the room

"Musashi-san!", Mutsu replied.

"Leave her be. She'll understand later.", Nagato said.

22:00 Hours (10:00PM)

As they were en-route to the mission area Roland broke the long silence during the flight.

"Everyone be advised: I was informed by Yamato that we are headed into some heavy shit, do not let your guard down." Roland said

"Roger that, thanks for the heads up kid." Cliff replied

"Yessir." Kaufman added

Nearing the mission area Cliff looked out of the Chinook's cockpit in shock and saw a large convoy of Abyssal supply ships being escorted by destroyers and cruisers

"Holy shit boys that Nagato lady just sent us on a damn suicide mission, look at all the tangos down low. You and Herbert were not kidding.."

"Wraith here, let's try not to alert them as much as we can!", Herbert said.

"Oh boy...it's the first time flying the Wraith on a mission...and I love it already! So quiet, so smooth...so deadly...", Herbert had a grin from cheek to cheek.

"Those stealth choppers are quite cool but I love this MH-60 too much..also if Yamato's intel is right then they might be supplying an Isolated Island Oni...ridiculous name but they say she's mean as hell." Roland replied while turning on his night vision goggles.

"The attack on the Indy made me learn not to underestimate them, no matter the size, appearance or name.", Herbert answered. "I guess
we're getting close. Engaging 'whisper mode'!", Herbert said while pressing a button; some unknown tweaks in the exhaust and rotors made the chopper a lot quieter than the others, with just a low whistle heard from the turbines.

"Okay, I have no idea how this works, but it's frikkin' black magic!"

"Atago here...Takao just handed me something called a SOFLAM, what do I do with it?"

"You aim down it and designate targets with it....it's just a laser designator." Cliff replied

"Okay! Well I found something ahead of us and it sure looks unfriendly, designating now!"

"You tell us, you know them better than us!" Herbert replied

"It looks like a RO-Class destroyer." Atago said

"Well thank god I chose to load up on Hellfire's then, I have a solid lock." Roland replied

"Clear out the path!", Herbert said while moving away from the group to avoid detection.

"Roger that, Mamushi weapons hot." Roland replied before firing a Hellfire

"Where did that come from!?" shouted an enemy

Kanmusu Struggle - A Kantai Collection StoryWhere stories live. Discover now