Admirals...but not so much

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In order for Herbert and Roland to prove their worthiness of the promotion to the rank of Admiral they were sent on a mission along with their crew to obtain supplies, which would turn out to not be a simple supply run...

March 26th 2016:
21:40 Hours (9:30PM)

Herbert and Roland along with their crew were preparing for their first night op a mundane supply run but of course better than nothing.

"Alright both ready for this? Night flying is nothing like flying in the day so TRUST your instruments and of course the Silent Knight radar, they'll keep you from smacking into the ocean." Cliff said

"Roger that Cliff! Herbert are you still taking that Ghost Hawk?" Roland replied

"Aye aye, cap! Gotta put Wraith to some good use, scare some souls around...", Herbert grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Now down to business...if the coordinates Nagato provided us are correct then we should be heading out near the Caroline Island's!? Wow this is weird, anyway the target destination should be 300km's out and my guess would be that they're en-route to the Caroline Island's... Cliff replied

"I don't think they're headed to the Caroline Island's Cliff..I have a feeling that they might be resupplying someone or something off shore."

"Could be...also I asked Marcus and Dion to come along as well, they'll fasten everything so I can hoist the supplies up. I need you BOTH along with Kaufman to watch my back as i'm hoisting those supplies since i'll be a sitting it?

"Leave it to us. You be sure to get as many supplies as you can!" Herbert said

"I've got your back Cliff." Roland replied with a salute

"Alright you both do us proud then...I'm trusting you both with my life and the lives of my crew." Cliff saluted and then headed to his Chinook.

Before Roland and Herbert headed to their helicopters Yamato ran over to them.

"Ad-Admiral's! Please you must hear me out before you head out for the sortie!" She said while panting

"What's wrong Yamato? You look like you just ran a marathon." Roland replied while handing her a bottle of water.

"Take some breath first...", Herbert said while pointing to the helicopter's seat, telling her to sit down a bit.

"Now Yamato, what's going on? Me and Herbert were just given some coordinates to our mission there something that Nagato is not telling us?" Roland asked
"I bet there is...", Herbert guessed.

Yamato finally caught her breath enough for her to reply. "Nagato is sending you all to attack an Abyssal supply route, they're currently resupplying an Abyssal base...that supply route is one of the most heavily defended as well....we actually lost several Kanmusu's a few years ago when they were on a supply run."

"What the hell is she planning with this?"

"She wants you all to prove your capabilities in real battle...she feels that this is the way to do it. According to her there's a 95% chance you and your friends will die..." Yamato replied

"Damn...well we can't exactly back down now. We committed to this mission and you all need supplies. What do you think Herbert?" Roland added

"When we get back...and we WILL get back...she's gonna hear some words...", Herbert replied, arms crossed in disapproval.


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