Nightmares or Memories?

Start from the beginning

Heavy breathing was heard. Police sirens. It was black all around and the first thing to come to view were bloodied hands. They began to shake, the colors of blue and red giving it light to see the glistening red liquid on those pale hands of hers. The breathing gets heavier and before she could let out a shriek Amity shoots up. Panting. Sweating...Eyes wide open from the sudden rush of adrenaline. She brings her knees close to her chest and softly cries. She felt like a child, a child that needed comforting. Embarrassing to describe but it was a vulnerability she was feeling. Though kept to herself for about four years rather than finding someone to let the emotions out. Normally she would suck it up and try to sleep off a nightmare but this time it was different. In desperation, she looked into her closet. Searching for something and what seemed like forever she found it. A stuffed dog plush that resembles the Great Dane. She clutched it. Sobbing. Slowly she climbs into bed. Holding her only source of comfort to that fateful night.

Her alarm went off and she felt awful. Both mentally and physically. She wished she could skip her classes but she motivates herself to get up for the day. As she was about to leave the room, she looked back at the toy. Hesitation. She grabs it and holds it close as her professor lectures through the screen of a computer.

After classes, she right away gets under the sheets. Holding her toy. She felt embarrassed. She's not five anymore. Why did she still have her dog toy? She was beating herself more and more until it was silenced by the sound of "Scooby-dooby-doo!". Amity blushes hard, completely forgetting that Scooby-doo ringtone she had installed.


"Hey, Amity!"


"Yep! Just calling to tell you that we're gonna be around town soon!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah your brother is like totally passed out right now and we haven't even boarded the plane yet."

Amity giggles. Luther was Edric's boyfriend. He was in the army for two years and in cyber warfare. He did it to gain experience and to look good on resumes. Edric was still in school learning to be a vet. God, does Edric love helping animals.

"Let me know when you guys arrived in California so I can meet you two up."

"Oh for sure, for sure. How've you been?"

"Good..." She lies.
As an introvert. This also included her keeping from others knowing the bad days she gets from the lack of sleep from either a nightmare or sleep paralysis. They talked a bit more until the two boys had to board. She looks at her dog. Thinking back to what happened before her sleep.

'Oh right...the stream.' She hops on social media. Finding that doodle Luz made of her. She smiles widely as it was exactly the way she described. She looked through all of them before she set her phone down to gain more sleep. As she was about to set her head down to the pillow her phone rings yet again. Amity lightly groans and picks it up.

"Was Willst du?"

"What the- Amity are you speaking German to me???" Boscha exclaims


"Well, Mrs. Descendant of Germany....Wondering if you want to join me and Willow today."

" not today..."

"Huh? You okay?"

"Um...didn't sleep much...was trying to but you called."

"Oh shit. My bad. Ok but next time we're dragging you alright?. Can't keep you in there forever you know."

"Yes. Yes.."

"Au revoir!"

"Hey, wait was tha-'' Before Amity could comment on the French Boscha hung up before it was laid upon her. She shakes her head with a chuckle. This time putting her phone on silent she lays in bed. Holding her dog helped her nap for about three hours but she got up and put her toy away in her closet. Sighing when closing the door. Amity didn't want to seek comfort in a toy anymore as she feels that it is childish. She's an adult. Adults don't sleep with childhood objects. The past is the past. She decided to sketch out woodland animals. Majestic deers and mighty bears, her eye caught onto one of the deer's with a wolf biting its neck. Out of curiosity she then sketched out the deer biting the wolf's neck instead. She stares and couldn't help but reminisce in a memory. She shakes it off and simply puts a sticky note to bookmark the page. She couldn't help but feel nostalgic. She looks through her phone to the many pictures of her camping trips. Emira with her camera laughing, Edric stuffing his face with smores while Luther watches with an entertained but concerned face, her mom with that same university cap she went to with a smile. Amity flips through as she grins ear to ear and begins to even let out a laugh. She flips and there came a photo of her dad. Her smile falls. He was wearing sunglasses, beard trimmed as always, a toothless smile. Another one with him laughing as his wife sticks his tongue out to lick the ice cream off her nose. Amity felt her throat swell and tears form. She shuts off her device, trying to stop the pain in her chest. She missed him. Everything wasn't the same when he left...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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