“No no no no!” He said shaking his curls. “You just look, extra pretty tonight.” My checks flushed.

“Wish I could say the same for you.” I joked. He sipped his drink and looked in my eyes. I think I said this already, but he seriously had the most gorgeous eyes ever. They pierced in the darkness and were almost irresistible to stop looking at.  Finally I looked away.

“So, thanks for inviting me.” I said shyly and brushed my hair back. He could probably tell I felt awkward because I was fiddling with my hair a lot. Something I did when I was uncomfortable.

“No problem ba-” He caught himself. “No problem Tiffani.” I let out a nervous laugh and finished my drink.

“So when was the last time you went dancing?” Harry asked me ordering another drink.

“Um, maybe two months ago.” I said embarrassed. He probably came to these things every night. He widened his eyes.

“Really? Well you should go more often. It’s loads of fun.” He said smiling at me.

“Yeah and bonus for you guys, getting to see all these girls in tiny dresses!” I said pushing his shoulder jokingly. He ran his fingers through his curls and smiled sheepishly.

“I don’t really care if girls wear mini dresses or not, I’m just saying I prefer it.” He winked at me and I rolled me eyes.

“Whatever Harry.” I  said looking at the dance floor. There were so many people dancing I don’t even know where Louis and Eleanor went. Harry stood up.

“I’m gonna go make a phone call.” He said. “I’ll be just a few minutes.”

“Okay.” I said not really looking at him. “I’ll wait here.”

He nodded and walked off. I have to be honest, it wasn’t going as bad as I thought it would. Buy now I thought we would have had an argument and I would have asked him to drive me home. But he hasn’t gotten me upset. In fact, I think he was making an effort not to flirt with me, and I really appreciated it.

I just wasn’t going to tell him that.

Maybe we could be friends. If he knew his limits around me, perhaps it could work out. The boys seemed really cool to be around and I think Lucy was right… maybe they could become good friends. I looked over to the direction Harry was in but I couldn’t find him.

Maybe Lucy was also right again about him being a sweet heart? He was just flirty, so maybe the whole image of him being a “player” was just something the paparazzi had created for him. I sighed thinking about how harsh I was on him before. When he got back I was going to apologize for giving him a hard time.

Then out of nowhere Louis scrambled in front of me.

“Whoa, hey Louis.” I said kind of intimidated how close he was standing by me. He had a very scared look on his face.

“Um, yeah. Hey have you heard the weather forecast this week? Possible snow storms and everything!” He rambled. I stood up and looked at him funny.

“You okay Louis? You look kind of worried.” But he just kept on mumbling about random things.

“The average monkey can climb 20 branches in 8 seconds.” He said with a weak smile. I decided that something was happening and it wasn’t good.

I tried walking passed him but he moved in front of me again. I looked at him irritated.

“Louis. Let me through.” I said getting irritated. His blue eyes moved from me to Liam who was standing by a girl. He had the same expression on his face as Louis.

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now