Chapter 1

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"Please mom, do I have to go?" Reef complained. 

"Bubble will be there." Tsunami smiled. 

"Ok, I guess." Reef gave in. 

"I can't wait to go!" Tidal declared. 

"Why?" Reef wound his tail around his brother. "Is it because Essen-" 

"No!" Tidal interrupted him. 

"Haha! It is!" He crowed. 

"Boys, settle down, settle down, I'm going to fly you there in a minute." Tsunami said absentmindedly. Their little hut down by the shoreline near Jade Mountain was overflowing, so me and Reef get to go to Jade Mountain, so that there's more room for Pearl and Gill. 

"Mo-om! We're going with or without you!" Reef called. 

"Hang on!" Tsunami yelled back. 

"Be careful! And have fun too!" Riptide told them. 

"Ok here I am. Let's go!" She took off into the air, wings beating hard and fast. No matter what he said to his brother, the real reason for being excited about going to Jade Mountain was because Essence was there. The daughter of Qibli and Moonwatcher probably didn't even know he had a crush on her. She also had mind reading, which could be slightly problematic, as he constantly thought about her whenever she was near him. He shook his horned head to clear it. 

"You good, Tidal?" Tsunami slowed to match his speed. 

"Yeah, absolutely. Just need to take deep breaths and not hold my breath." Tidal grinned. He looked down and saw nothing but small mountains and-ooh was that a goat? Yummy. He finally saw the twin peaks of Jade Mountain, and touched down. 


She saw him touch down, head buzzing with thoughts of exploring and explaining something to someone, before he blocked it out. He looked up and saw her, and Tidal's face broke into a smile. His brother shoved him as he landed. I wonder where Bubble is. Does she like me too? Is Essence listening to my thoughts? Does she know. A wall slammed down on his thoughts and inwardly Essence winced. 

"Hi!" Tidal called.

"Hey. What have you been up to?" She asked. Oh nothing much, his mind went.

"Nothing much. I'm glad to get out of the house. My sister is loud." Essence smiled, then stopped. 

"What's wrong?" Tidal walked to her. She was dizzy with pain as the vision hit her, and she went blind for a instant. Then her vision cleared as she saw dragons shrieking in pain, wings blocks of ice as they hit the ground. She saw her father, Qibli, smashed to pieces, and her mother, Moonwatcher, falling to the ground.  No no no! She whispered. This isn't the future. And then she saw Tidal, broken and motionless. No! Please. Then she snapped back into reality, head spinning. Tidal was holding her talons, looking shocked. 

"W-what h-happened?" Essence asked him, standing upright. 

"Y-you just collapsed and-" Tidal began.

"And had a vision. I know the signs Essence. Your mother was like that until she could control it." Her father told her. 

"That wasn't a vision, I just am, uh, really tired. Yeah." Essence decided. Tidal looked at her skeptically. 

"Hmm. I sense someone's lying, but who?" Qibli teased. 

"Not me!" Essence said. 


She turned her wings a dark purple, then rippled them into a sea blue. She could breath underwater, change the color of her scales, AND shoot venom. Like her mom said, she was powerful. Not that she wanted to take over the world, like Darkstalker. 

"Bubble, are you sitting in the the water, changing your scales?" Kinkajou, her mom and hero, stepped out from the platform. 

"Mmm, yeah?" Bubble said. 

"Isn't Turtle sleeping underwater?" She flew down and landed by the pond. 

"Yes, but I'm not bothering him." She replied.

"We are leaving, you, Splash and Mango. Lorikeet is too young." Her mom told her. 

"Is Turtle going to watch him?" 

"I suspect that Turtle will want to come and see our friends and their dragonets, so Lorikeet must come too." 

"You guessed right!" Turtle climbed out of the pool and onto the mossy ground. Kinkajou rippled her colors from yellow to blue, matching her daughter's scales. 

"Mommy mommy mommy! Daddy daddy daddy! I want to go too! I want to go to Jade Mountain!" Lorikeet flew down and landed with a big splash in the pond. 

"You're too young. And besides, who would keep me and Turtle company?" 

"Me! Me me me! I will keep you company!" 

"Come on Splash, Mango!" Turtle called. "We are going to leave!" A chorus of yay's and finally's was heard before Splash and Mango appeared. Splash sorta looked like Turtle and Mango was more Rainwing. She took off and burst through the canopy. 

"Wait up!" Kinkajou hurried after her daughter. Bubble was full of happiness of finally being able to go to Jade Mountain. And Bubble has a secret. No one else knows that Bubble is a animus. 

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