the Jaeger mansion

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Once you guys finish hotboxing, the four of you step out the car and stare up at the mansion before you. Connie looks at the large amount of smoke leaving the vehicle and bursts out laughing. "Think it's obvious we smoked?" He jokes.

Sasha groans and slams her head against the hood of Jean's car. "HEY!" He screams. "I hope there's food here. I'm staring." You go to stand by her leaning against the hood now too. "If there isn't, I'm sure Niccolo will whip something up for you." You wink and pat her head. She shoots up and spins around frantically searching for said boy.

"He's not here yet." Jean says spraying cologne on himself. "I don't see his car." Man, he smells amazing. You wouldn't be surprised if a lot of girls came up to him tonight. You feel a pang of jealously hit you. He also looked good too. He wore a dark navy blue collared button up shirt with the first two buttons undone and dark jeans. He wore a tan colored belt that matched his shoes. He smooths a hand over his hair and looks up at the sky. "Weather is nice." He says to no one in particular.

You take a peek at Connie who also looks super attractive. He wore the outfit you and Sasha helped choose for him. He didn't want to dress too nice so you gave him a comfy outfit that still looked like he put effort in and it definitely did a good job at flattering his features. He wore a maroon pullover hoodie with a black bomber jacket over top and black jeans.

He looks at the other cars parked out Eren's house and turns to you all. "There is already a good amount of people here. Let's go in." The three of you follow behind Connie.

As you reach the door you stop there awaiting for one of them to knock but they don't, they just walk right in which catches you off guard. They must be pretty cool with him. Before you walk in, you turn your attention to the several cars that begin to pull up. You look at the time on your phone. 10:16pm. Guess 9 really does mean 10 around here.

The house is even more incredible inside. You look straight up overhead you and you lay eyes on a massive, stunning chandelier. Due to the fact that you're high, you stare at it a little too long. "Hello? Earth to y/n." Sasha waves her hand over your face. "Shit. Sorry." You laugh nervously. As your eyes shift back to reality, you notice the four of you have added two more people to your group. Your face heats up with embarrassment when you realize they had been standing there for a while and Sasha was trying to introduce you while you were zoned out.

The new members of the circle you stood in included a tall and muscular blonde and an even taller, lean brunette with soft brown eyes. "This is Reiner and Bertholdt." Sasha says wrapping her arms around both of their necks from in between them.

Bertholdt smiles shyly and raises his hand to say hello. Reiner stares at you and rubs the back of his neck. "Nice to meet you." He says. He looks up at the chandelier you were lost looking at. "Don't worry I stared at it for hours too when I first saw it." That relaxed you and washed away your embarrassment. You let out a laugh and the expression on his face looks proud of himself for calming your nerves.

The six of you walk through the house and into the backyard. Which was equally as huge. There was a string of lights that hung above your heads. They looked so pretty and bright against the night sky. The grass was well kept and as well as the bushes and flower beds.

What really caught your attention was the enormous crystal blue pool that was the size of your entire apartment. "Wow." You whisper to yourself. You didn't even realize how close Jean was standing next to you, your shoulders touching. "I know right. It's temperature controlled too. We usually get in during the after parties." He says. After party?  You grew nervous again. He puts a hand on your shoulder and smiles. You look up at him and get lost in his eyes for a second. He laughs a little and grabs your hand. "Come on, let's get your a drink. You need it."

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