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Jean's mustang pulls into the large driveway in front of a massive mansion. "No way this is the house, right?" You ask almost breaking your neck to look up at it. Jean chuckles and shakes his head and pulls out a baggie out his pocket. "Yup. It is." You noticed that in the baggie there is some weed nugs.

Sasha take a deep, long whiff and exhales. "God, that smells good." She gasps and then snaps forward to your seat in front of her and she places her face right by yours. "Wait, y/n. You smoke right?" You used to smoke a lot but you were currently trying to take a break from it. Even though you knew you should've denied, you nod yes. It's a special occasion after all.

Sasha sinks back into her seat. "Oh thank god." Connie sits up. "Thought we were gonna have to kick you out of the car." Everyone laughs and you make an O with your mouth pretending to be hurt and then you laugh along with them.

You read the dashboard clock that reads 9:37pm. "Are we late? Didn't it start at nine?" you say looking at just a few cars parked outside. You were a bit confused by the lack of hundreds of people they claimed there would be. "Whenever someone says nine, it means ten around here. No one likes to show up to parties early unless you're really close with the host. It's like a hangout before the party actually begins." You begin to catch on.

Jean licks the blunt shut and holds it up to the light like it's a masterpiece. "Boom. What do you guys think?" "Eh." Connie and Sasha say simultaneously. Jean looks at them annoyed and grabs the lighter. "You guys don't get to hit it then." He says with the blunt to his between in his lips and sparks it up. "My king!" Sasha exclaims. "My lord!" Connie bows. "What a magnificent blunt! You are the fairest roller in the land!" He sprinkles in a british accent. "Yeah, yeah that's right kiss my ass." He says inhaling and taking a huge hit.

You stare at him awaiting a cough that never comes. Wow, he must be a pro then. He passes the blunt to you and Sasha whispers in your ear. "Pass it to me next not Connie." Connie kicks her. "You're shit at whispering, I heard everything you said." She kicks him back. "Don't you think maybe I wanted you to hear?" she says cocky. "Touché." He raises an eyebrow.

You bring the blunt to your lips and try to take a hit as big as Jean's. Clearly a mistake. You begin to have a cough attack and pass the blunt to Sasha wiping tears from your eyes. "Thought you said you smoked." Connie smirked. "I do. Just haven't in a fat ass minute. I kinda stopped for a while." You say drinking from the water bottle you brought from Sasha's and you never been more grateful toward yourself for choosing to do so.

Sasha french inhales and passes the blunt to the boy beside her. "Oh no, we're such bad influences." You turn your head around to look at her. "No, no. You're not. If I really didn't want to, I would've said no." Connie leans forward. "That's where you're wrong." He passes the blunt to Jean who had his eyes on you. "We are bad influences." He says. The blue light from dashboard reflected off his face causing the shadows to contort his face and make him look scary.

You roll your eyes. "I don't get peer pressured easily." You say confidently. Jean smirks. "Oh yeah?" You look at him with a straight face. "Yup." He nods and passes the blunt to you. "Let's hope not." He points to the mansion ahead of you through the window. "Cause you're about to walk into the house of the biggest manipulator in this city." You tense up. That has to be an exaggeration right? No way he's that bad...

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