Adam didn't say anything. I sank down on the bed again, watching the muscles in his back ripple. I felt a little tremor go through me at the sight of my nail marks across his shoulderblades. Dark red and jagged, little bits of skin having been torn off under my fingernails.

Despite the fact that Adam just teased me with sex to get me to talk, I wasn't hurt or anything with him. I was a guy; I could handle this sort of shit... I just wished it wasn't about me being a vampire.

Now he knew.

Now Adam knew about me, about my parents, about vampires.

He probably hated me. He probably thought I was a monster or some sick psycho. He might not even believe me with the blood bags there. He might think I drank from unwilling victims on the street like Dracula and what the hell was that sparkling comment? I didn't sparkle in the sunlight; although, I'd rather sparkle than spontaneously combust. At least sparkling gave me enough time to run.

"All right." Adam said at last, then rolled over onto his back, drawing one strong leg up as he draped his arm out, wedging it under my head. I blinked, looking at him in confusion as he pulled the blankets up over us, pausing to yawn.

"A-All right?" I asked, confused. Adam nodded, studying the ceiling.

"Are you deaf or something?"

"N-No, b-but--"

"Stop stuttering."

"S-Sorry, I mean... Sorry, I just... I don't... You don't care?" I asked at last. Adam stared up at the ceiling flatly, licking his lips in indication that he wanted to smoke before he rolled over on his side to face me, his eyes closed. He rested an arm under his head, sighing as his other went over me, pulling me close.

"Frankenstein, werewolf, vampire, fairy, or fucking wizard, I don't care what you are. I meant what I said and I'm not changing my mind. But that doesn't mean you can bite me." I blinked at that and looked at him, but he kept his eyes closed.

"I... wouldn't bite you." I said carefully. Would I? I'd never thought about me biting him. Would I have the self-control? I didn't have enough during sex, let alone if Adam happened to bleed around me or not. Adam hummed in response before speaking.

"Good... I'm not a tween from a vampire drama that's gonna beg you to bite me. You can bite me when I feel like it."

"Okay... Uhm, so... But... That still doesn't mean this is okay." I added. Adam peeked an eye open as I propped myself up on my elbows as he rested his head in his palm, watching me as I cleared my throat to speak, brushing the hair back from my face.

"I wasn't lying about before. My parents and the marriage thing. A lot of people... in our society do things like that and my parents are one of them. They want me to marry another vampire. That's why I can't be with you. Even this right now is super dangerous and it could get you killed." I explained carefully, glancing toward the door to make sure no one was ready to come in. Adam narrowed his eyes, propping himself up.

"And who would kill me? Your fiance?"

"Well, amongst others, probably."

"And you think I'm scared of your jealous fiance."

"Adam, I don't think you get the concept of being a vampire."

"And I don't think you know me as well as you think you do. Vampire or not, I called you first."

"Whoa, hold up," I protested angrily, turning my head to frown at him, "Just because I'm not human doesn't mean I'm a prize or an item on your Christmas list. I'm free to make my own decisions."

Sweet Revenge [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now