Part 34

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The sound of a gun i have heard before.

It definitely wasnt the first time, but it may be the last.

Any normal human being would leave the room.

They would turn around runaway or go tell someone.

But I didn't.

I dont know why I didn't i just didn't.

It might have been because i knew this was never going to end.

There were only two ways it could end.

1: finn going to jail.

2: me dieing.

It didn't seem like he was going to jail anytime soon so why not just get it over with.

Nobody would miss me when I'm gone.

They would do an autopsy because knowing finn the gun isnt going to be what kills me.

He might strangle me or poison me.

The doctors would be able to tell that it wasnt the gun that killed me.

They might think i bled out but addison would push for an autopsy.

She would know that somehthing didn't add up.

They would check my blood. Check my body.

They would see all my scars.

They would see the brand new scars.

They would find out i have been taking a whole hell lot more of my medication then i need.

They will find everything out.

They might even think it was a suicide, only if finn was going to go to do all of that.

Once everyone finds all these thing out nobody will love me.

They would all be happy that I'm dead.

I might even offer to do it myself.

Although finn has been working a long time to kill me and still hasn't done it.

I'm not sure if that is on purpose or if he just doesnt know what he is doing.

Even if they didn't hate me i kept walking

I walk until i see him.

He has a small revolver in his hand.

You wouldn't even be able to see it unless you were looking for it.

Well i saw it.

He held it up to show me.

It was a nice gun.

It had gold running through it.

The handle had a little red.

I was going to remember this gun if it was the last thing i do.

Which it might be.

I wanted to know the exact thing that kills me.

Pills didn't work.

Beating didn't work.

Bleeding out surely didn't work.

So maybe the gun will.

If it does i want to know what it looks like.

"It's nice isnt it?" Finn asks me.

Before i answer i swallow a lump that was in my throat.

Meredith grey highschool trauma Where stories live. Discover now