Part 33

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When i got to merediths house my heart was racing.

I barely even knocked on the door.

but i know one thing.

As soon as i saw her in the dress my mouth dropped.

She was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

I have never been so astonished by a girl then i am right now.

The dress fit her perfectly and showed off all of her curves.

In the exact moment i knew that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I would always feel this way about her.

I think that I'm in love.

That's hard to say because we have only been dating for a week, and also because I said i loved rose.

Rose was different though.

When we broke up, yeah it hurt but I didn't cry.

I wasnt heart broken, i moved on.

I was able to move on.

With meredith, she told me that she was going to a physc ward for 2 months and i was okay with that.

I would text and call her as much as possible and we would stay in contact.

But when she told me that she wasnt going to be allowed to have a phone i almost completley broke down in tear.

The only reason on why I didn't was because i was watching a movie with my family.

Then 2 months later i was ecstatic to be able to see and talk to her again, but addison told me she wasnt coming home. She said that she wasnt going to be home for a couple more months.

As soon as she told me this i hung up the phone and cried.

I cried myself to sleep.

I was so upset that i wasnt going to be able to see her.

It's all i wanted to do for the past two months and then I couldn't. And I didn't get a say in it.

Now seeing her in this dress, going to prom with me, dating me, i knew that I didn't want to give her up.

I wouldn't give her up no matter what.

I knew she saw me staring because of the smile that was plastered across her face.

She walked down the stairs and came up to me.

I hugged her and gave her a quick kiss on the check.

She giggled to herself after I kissed her.

I must be the luckiest guy on the planet i thought to myself.

I knew that mark was already here because i heard him laughing with addison in the kitchen.

"Do you want to join them?" I ask Meredith.

"Yeah." She says.

What i dint realize was that everyone else was there.

All of the girls looked so beautiful in their dresses.

All of the guys were joking around and looked awesome in their suits.

It was crazy how well we all matched with our dates.

I didn't think it would turn out so well but it did. And I'm glad that it did.

Merediths POV

We all took pictures and mom drove us to the school. Well she drove addison mark derek and i but jackson drove everyone else.

Eventually we all met up at the school.

I know its going to happen and I'm dreading it.

I dont know when it will come in but he said it would be tonight.

I figured that he would wait to make it suspense full. 

To get my mind off of it i just went along with the dance how it is planned.

I dint feel like dancing for most of the time.

So we all just stood around talking and having a good time.


There it was.

The text.

It was going to happen and now it has.

I pulled out my phone and checked it.

On the front right above the text it said his name in bold letters.


I looked lower down on my phone to see what his text actually says.

Finn: dance with Derek. You wont be able to after tonight. Have fun while it lasts.

Finn has texted me before today.

I didn't tell anyone because the last time i did i got kidnapped.

He had been telling me he was going to be having an amazing night tonight.

I figured that would mean he was just going to kill me.

It wasn't that hard for me to come to terms with because I didn't get completely better when I came back from the physc ward.

I was still cutting myself but in completely new and different places.

So what I did was ask Derek to dance with me.

I'm not sure how long we danced but the reason we stopped was because i got another text.

Finn: go to the bathroom close to the dance room.

"I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom." I tell Derek.

"Okay. Do you need, or want anything?" He asks me.

I shake my head left and right to signal a no.

I left the gym and wondered the halls until i was at the bathroom.

I knew what i was getting myself into and I was prepared for it.

I took a deep breath and walked in.

As soon as i walked in i heard it.

The sound of a gun cock.

Meredith grey highschool trauma Where stories live. Discover now