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Camila pushed cart down big store. Looking for needed groceries. Shawn walked with her, "What's the difference between those pads and those pads?" Shawn asked as she put three different packages in her cart.

"These are for night, these are for day, and these are for start and end of period." She explained. And Shawn responded with little "Oh."

They went to other shelf and Camila put Coca-cola and Sprite in cart.
"You're only buying sodas?" He asked in confusion. "Where is water?"

"Um.." She responded with a smiled but this wasn't funny to Shawn. "Seriously Camila. You're doctor. You know how important is it to eat healthy." He took waters and put it in her cart.

"I don't smoke Shawn, I don't drink. I have to have some weaknesses. And those are soda and chocolate."

"Let's get you some fruit and vegetables." He dragged her away from shelf full of unhealthy sugar.

He put lemons, mangos, bananas, apples in her cart. A long with a lot of vegetables.

"See that's balanced. You have sodas but you have fruits and vegetables too." He said.

"Camila hi! Haven't seen you in while." Guy smiled. Camila said quiet hi before dragging Shawn.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"My ex. He's asshole." She said, Shawn looked behind in disapproval before putting his arm around her. You can say that he is bit protective.

And jelaous.


Shawn's hand rested on Camila's back, as they watched tv show together.

"Camila, you know we are dating for two months. I like you, you make me feel special. I wanted to introduce you to my parents, they are asking to see you. Of course if you want to-"

"I would love to."

Shawn sighed in relief. "I promise you, they're great people. They're not super overprotective. I love them, they raised me in man I'm today. I'm glad I have both of them."

These words hit Camila on different level. Suddenly she felt like she is missing part of her, people that raised her.

"I would introduce you to my parents but.. we don't talk anymore." Camila said sadly.

Shawn looked at girl in his arms. How could he miss that? She never told him anything about her family.

Shawn shows her pictures of his little sister. But never did something similar.

Yes Shawn and Camila were in same highschool, but Camila was two years older and hated Shawn.

Shawn hated her back too.

But he remembers two parents, there was this middle age blonde woman and tall tanner man.

"Why don't you talk with your parents?" He remembered them as sweet and caring. Maybe he missed something.

"Both of my parents were working in big restaurant they owned. And they wanted me to take it from them when I grow up, well more dad then mom. Dad wanted me to continue job, I am their only child. But I wanted to become doctor. I remember the day he sat me down and said that I will be a chef, because his father was one and father of his father was one. I spend my whole childhood trying to learn recipes, reading cooking books. I got sick of doing same every day. Of course there were nice moments. Dad teached me guitar, I remember that well. Mom tried to reason with dad, but at the end she had to be on his side. When I fell in love with medicine I had big argument with dad. So I left, found my apartment and started from nothing. I blocked mom and dad on phone and never talked to them since I was nineteen."

Shawn listened carefully.

"Now it's been four years. Dad was maybe stutborn but he wanted best for me. It wasn't mom's fault at all, yet I cut her off too. I feel bad."

After four years, she finally accepted that she misses them. She didn't wanted to think about them at all. But her loving parents always come back around.

"Camila, I understand why you moved away. Your dad maybe done wrong things, but I'm sure that he didn't had intentions to hurt you."

"It's big gift to have parents, you matured after four years. Your parents maybe found their mistakes, maybe they didn't. But you'll only found out if you talk to them." Shawn took her hand.

He remembers it well. When he had girlfriend he asked his dad.

"Dad, if my girlfriend is doing something wrong should I let her know or support her."

His dad answered. "You should support them, but show them what they did wrong too."

Shawn doesn't agree with Camila completely. I mean four whole years, and she didn't talked to her mom either.

He knows that she is bit wrong. But he wants to show her where.

"You should go and talk to them Camila. It's been seven years."

"I know Shawn, I didn't wanted this to happen like this. I wanted to come after month or two. But I was ashemed, and more time passed I was more ashemed to meet them. I am now really scared to face them."

"You should, it's only fair to do that." He kissed her head.

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