Part XIX

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I saw Bryan at the library.
He was looking up applications. I approached him with full on confidence.

It's been a year.

"Bryan, what are you doing here?" Although I knew.

"Looking up colleges to apply. Everything is a dead end."

"I heard you got accepted to Harvard?"

He shook his head. "I applied but I heard nothing back. Yourself?"

Suddenly, I felt attacked. I knew for a fact, the moment I started the conversation, it will somehow advert back to me. My life. My pathetic life.

I smiled and replied, "I'm currently working. At a printing company. As an assistant. Pretty hectic I must say."

He master a smile but it didn't meet his eyes. "Why didn't you apply for anything?"

I stare at him, blankly.

Then, it came to me that we really don't know each other. Not even when we were sitting together for 3 years.

And he blames God. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now