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My name is Natalie. Today I'm starting 1st grade! I'm excited. Hopefully, I meet a lot of people.

I had a few friends from last year or the year before that. I saw them again today. I've always wanted lots of friends.

In our school, there was always a popular girl. In this case, it would be Marissa. I've always wanted to be her friend.

I tried to become more popular by hanging out with her. So that day I decided to take my chance. I sat next to her. Of course, she had a group of friends.

I and Marissa only talked once or twice. I sat next to her and the whole group was staring at me. Let me tell you who was in the group.

1. Marissa
2. Genesis
3. Nicole
4. Mia
5. Maybe me not sure...

Anyways, after a few days, they've kind of gotten used to me. I wasn't treated well though.

Genesis used to spread lies a lot. She was like the second popular girl. She always followed Marissa. I of course was the least popular out of the whole group.

Besides school at home wasn't so well either. I loved my mom so much. I didn't get to see my dad often. One day, my grandpa wanted me to meet his daughter. I'm pretty sure I was six at the time.

His daughter was at least 10. She wasn't nice though. She raped me a couple of times. I'm old enough to remember and understand what she did.

I haven't told anyone yet. She was horrible. I hated her with my entire soul. I stopped seeing her after a while.

I was always pretty good in school. I've always gotten straight A's until 3rd grade. In third grade, there was a boy. He was a pervert. He told me things I shouldn't have known about at that age.

I guess he liked me in third grade. But other than that. I separated from the group after they told me they didn't want to be my friend. I cried until another girl showed up.

I've seen her before. I've met her before too. We didn't talk a lot. She asked me why I was crying and I told her everything. She was the type of girl to be very caring and sweet. She got in trouble often though. She entertained the whole class.

After that, me and her became great friends!

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