Meet the AI Spy

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A/N: Keep in mind these stories weren't the AI's first try, i kept resetting it with the same beginning until i got something i liked.

The blue heavy was eating a sanvich when the intelligence had been stolen by the red team!

"Very good!" The intelligence woman hailed.

"Now... as you were waiting, why don't you take the bandit off of my nose?"

The bandit's face contorted to an unnatural grimace, and a deep growl of pain emanated from the canine's mouth.

"Please..." the man pleads.

"Of course, my pet," The blue heavy replied.

She was in the center of a small crowd of agents, from the front, back, and sides.

They were surrounding one of the agents who'd never been seen before, wearing a white suit with red insignia on the chest.

He appeared to be in some sort of costume, and when he noticed them staring at him, he quickly turned and began talking in some sort of monotone.

"You are all suspects, and we need to question each and every one of you to find the culprit." It was the intelligence woman who spoke.

The others gathered closer and closer to the captive.

The intel woman sighed and picked up the blue heavy's suit.

She began walking toward the team that was outside.

"Get ready, red team!

Follow her!"

Three new figures appeared.

Two, a man and a woman, ran toward the group.

"Maybe you should use your holographic display to find out what's going on!" The tall operative hollered.

One of the newcomers, a woman, turned and let out a loud burst of coughing.

The other newcomer, a man, helped her up, and she nodded in thanks.

The team stepped out of the chamber.

They were gathered around the operative who was wearing a white suit with red insignia on the chest.

He was leading them from the room.

"I'm sure we've all seen the blue one before." The operative stated, as he tried to move his arms.

The men and women on the team were already on the alert.

They each raised their pistols and began firing at the white agent.

The operative's vision was obscured by the haze of blood as he jumped back and the bullets pierced his white suit.

He had nearly died before suddenly being enveloped in white light.

As he opened his eyes he quickly surveyed his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he questioned.

"You are still alive," the intelligence woman said.

"I am sorry for the trouble, but if it's any consolation, your person was not the source of the stolen information.

The operative stated as he tried to straighten his suit.

"Your work is done," the intel woman replied.

"Now it's time to collect the reward."

The operative rubbed his head, as he looked over the crowd of people.

He spotted the blue heavy and quickly added, "So, where do we go next?"

A/N: The AI decided that this would be when this story would end.

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