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As Sunblaze and Flame walked down through the lobby her oversized coat floated along behind her, then with a full face skull mask, people could get the impression that she was a villain.

As Sunblaze and Flame walked down through the lobby her oversized coat floated along behind her, then with a full face skull mask, people could get the impression that she was a villain

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"It's so nice to finally meet you!!" Mt. Lady walks over to Y/n and her Mother. "I am a huge fan of you Sunblaze!" She refers to their similar hero costumes. Greeting her in English.

"Nice to meet you Ms?" She puts her hand out and Mt. Lady widens her eyes.  "I can also speak broken Japanese, just not well."

"I'm Mt Lady, this is Kamui Woods, and Death Arms," She introduces everyone after regaining her composure.

"It is nice to meet you Ms. Sunblaze," Kamuai woods says polity.

Death Arms shakes her hand, "Is this you're sidekick?" He refers to Y/n.

"No time, where did Mic say we have to pick up flame, I can't wait to meet her!!" Mt. Lady sings, excitedly.

Sunblaze starts to laugh and they just look at her, "Do you really think I would bring a sidekick to Japan with me?"

"You mean-" Mt. Lady once again stares at her in shock. "I'M SO HAPPY TO MEET YOU!!"

She runs over to Y/n and hugs her while wiggling around.

"Aren't we supposed to be protecting her, not hurting her?" Death Arms grumbles.

"Nice to meet you, too," Y/n says as she lets go of her.

They all say hi to each other than get into a car to be taken directly to UA, Sunblaze and Mt. Lady would not stop talking to Y/n about how cool they thought she was.

In the middle, she pulled her phone out of her jacket to see some texts from Katsuki.

Katsuki: Hey, where are you!? I'm in the waiting room, tell me when you get here.

Y/n: I will see you soon, but I might be running a little late.

Katsuki: You better not be late for the start of the festival or I will personally blow your ass up. Don't make me walk out onto the field with a bunch of losers.

Y/n: Okay okay :o

"Sunblaze!" Mt. Lady gasps and she sees her reading over Flame's texts.

She laughs and Y/n rolls her eyes.

"We're going to walk you in then Sunblaze will take over," Kamuai Woods states as they get out of the car and see the front gate filled with reporters, they all turn towards them.

"Is that flame?" One asked, then Mt. Lady started making a big deal out of every detail, she then put her arms around Y/n, letting the people get pictures of them together.

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