Chapter 4

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A/N: The fact that Joker looks so happy and like he genuinely is having fun in all the videos I find of him and Batman fighting is cute I cant even explain how freaking cute he is jeez... anyways back to the actual story not like the last chapter TvT

Trigger warnings: stuff and lots of fricken commentary

Batman POV~

I hop into the "Bat Mobile" Joker's name for it not mine  and head out to go see what criminal made Gordon signal me for help.

~Skip of Time~

when I arrive I was shocked to have seen John was playing with the bat signal. He noticed me and practically skipped over to me "Brucieee!!", he says whilst managing to hug me. I get out of his grasps, careful not to hurt him with anything sharp that's on my bat suit like my batarangs. "What were you doing with the signal?", I asked him and crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him in all seriousness. "Looked like fun to play with", he said in a childish kind of way.

I sigh then ask him another question, "Where were you for 6 hours??!" he chuckled nervously. "Heh sorry I got distracted by something and went to chase after it... well.. I got distracted by a lot of things heh." I sigh and chuckled lightly "Well I'm just glad you're okay", I say to John. He smiles at me and hugs me again "aw you were worried about me Brucie dear?", he giggled. I sighed then a playful smirk formed on my lips "Mmmaybe I was, maybe I wasn't, all depends on what you think I guess", I said in a playful voice and winked at the man in front of me.

I saw a light blush on his face appear after I winked. "...Sooo how's your weekend been?", he asked me as his face lit up more this time from embarrassment. I muffled a laugh as I saw his face and how he just asked a random question (A/n: oof sorry for this next part it cringe). I stopped laughing though because even though he was smiling I could tell he was on the brink of tears. "Hey you ok?", I ask and he looks at his feet "I-I'm fine" I lift up his chin with a finger "F- Feeling, I- Insecure, N- Not, E- Enough"

"what??", he looked at me with confusion and I just laugh. "Heheh sorry I'm just making up stuff on the spot when I don't know how to respond to something.. it's normal for me so don't worry bout it", I say rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Oh... I should try that!", he said and it looked like his usual glee filled his eyes once again. (A/n: This made no sense sorry lolz)

Time Skip to The Next Day in The Kitchen~

Joker's POV (his mind)

8:30pm I saw the clock read while I ate some food in Bruce's kitchen. I made some eggs and bacon with some orange juice, while Alfred had gone to pick up Bruce from a business meeting he was called into at like 6am. Alfred left about 9ish and he and Bruce still aren't back but I just continue eating. Hmmm.. oh I have an idea. Just gotta find out where Bruce's living room is cause all living rooms have TVs, right? Plus I'm bored when there ain't anyone to pester.

(Not in his mind narration ig lol)
I go search for the living room. Eventually after half an hour I find it. (Took some inspiration for this description from my own living room but I obviously made it much better and bigger sounding than it actually is lol) I stood in awe as I looked around the room. There was a huge flat screen tv on the wall just above a huge fireplace, there was even a bearskin rug placed in the middle of the living room.

I decide to just sit down on one of the beautiful couches (how do you describe beautiful couches other than saying they're beautiful TvT). I see the remote on the coffee table and grab it. I turn on the TV and look through the movie options and see some romcoms (oof).

Ooooof sorry dis took foreva ta post I kinda forgot bout dis app TvT sorry for not posting dis crappy chapter of dis crappy fanfic TwT.

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