Chapter 3

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Warning: lots of commentary lol, oof I accidently put some swears but too lazy to change it xD

some references to the comics

A/N: Honestly no idea where this was going but ye just maybe don't do read this xD

Batman POV~ (Flashback)

I arrive at the rooftop where the bat signal is located and Jim Gordan was awaiting my arrival. "Harley Quinn has been spotted at an abandoned warehouse on Crime Blvd (A/N: Cause I couldn't think of anything plus I'm very not creative lol) appeared to have some dangerous weapons but not quite confirmed", Jim told me while flipping pages on a clipboard "Plus she was also seen with a man wearing what seemed like clown makeup, slicked back dark green hair and a purple suit", he adds. "I'll go see what she's planning, in the meantime get your team ready for arresting Harley and her new accomplice", I told him and disappeared into the dark of night soaring above the buildings.

At the Warehouse~

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the lil' bat", I heard Harley say from behind me. I turned around but it was to late, I fell to the ground, having been hit in the head then I heard someone else speak. "Hey Harlz! Why did you want this stuff?", I could just barely see a man in makeup hold items in his arms. I heard him ask about why I was here just before I got more blows to the head then passed out. 

Time Skip(still in Warehouse)~

I woke up and the first thing I saw was someone being electrocuted because they were trying to take my mask off and for some reason they were laughing at being electrocuted. I blink a few times and after a while my vision focuses on a man with make up on, slicked back dark green hair and a purple suit. He tries taking of my mask and got electrocuted again "Ow why is your mask electrocuted?! Doesn't it hurt to touch when you go to put it on??", he says as he reaches to try taking my mask off again. I pull away from his hand as much as I could since my actions are limited due to being tied to a chair with rope, which honestly, will be easy to break out of when no one is looking.

He tried pulling off my mask again "Could you stop trying to take of my mask. All it will earn you is being electrocuted more and n-" I was cut off when the man got electrocuted again. "Puddin' just stop, it ain't comin' off", Harley said as she walked into the room chewing on what looked like a carrot stick for some reason. "Listen to your girlfriend, she's right", I said nonchalantly. They just exchanged looks at each other then they bursts out in laughter. "y- ha!  y- you think I would date this loos'a?!? Wow bats and I thought ya were the smart one.", she said laughing. "Words hurt y'know Harley..", the man said with obvious pain in his eyes. "Oh toughen up Mistah J, what, Ya think I'd actually like an ugly muck such as ya self??  plus you're pathetic!  Ha! you must be more delusional then you lead on ta be!", she said this and he looked at his feet, I could tell he was on the brink of tears from her rude comments about him.

Randomly he just smiled wide as if none of that had just happened which caught me and surprisingly Harley off guard as well. "Well!  mouth pop who wants Chinese?", he asks which caught me off guard, so bad! That I accidently let a short laugh slip out. Harley laughed "well would ya look at that. Mistah J managed to get the bat ta laugh on their first meetin'  how cute" she said with a slightly agitated tone in her voice. I saw him walk away on the phone and I heard he was actually ordering Chinese food.

"Hey! Could you get me some 'Cream Cheese Rangoon' and 'The Original Orange Chicken' please?", I asked him and he laughed at this. "Yeah sure! Want anything to drink with that?", I thought for a moment. "What place are you ordering from?", I asked to which he replied "Panda Express"  

TWO OF A KIND (batjoke)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang