Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jarryd led Gillroy and Princess Adeline through the dusky corridors of the castle. His dark features were stern with decision. He was determined to get the princess and her valiant steward out of his mother's domain, out of Distress safe and sound. He had no great plan for their escape, nor did he deceive himself with the belief he would be leaving the darkness alongside them. But Jarryd was sure of one thing – he was through with just sitting by and letting Lady Jacqueline go about her awful business. Jarryd would act on his own soul's stirring, doing all he could to stop his mother from destroying Fairy Tale.

What inspired the change? Jarryd didn't want to think about that as he wound his way through the labyrinth of the dimly lit palace. He didn't want to turn his head to glance back at the lovers behind him. While Jarryd genuinely wanted Adeline to be with the one she adored, it pained him to admit he would never be that man. None of the books he read did justice to this disappointment of his brief, but shining dreams. Even to this child accustomed to loneliness, a certain future without love, Adeline's love, felt suffocating and dark.

So be it, Jarryd thought to himself, tightening his fists as he stomped forward, at least my conscience will not haunt me while I dwell with nothing but the wind's whispering. Distress' days of doom are over for me. I will have a better existence this time, he resolved.

As Jarryd led the way, Gillroy and Princess Adeline tried to keep up without their quiet conversation disturbing the dark prince. Gill held his princess' hand as they rushed forward. Their connection was brand new, an exhilarating and frightening unexplored territory much like this castle's interior.

"So how did you find out about the wedding," Princess Adeline asked under her breath. "I thought Lady Jacqueline was keeping it hush-hush for ultimate shock factor."

Gill kept his eyes on Jarryd's back, "I got it straight from the Shadow's mouth, though honestly I'm not sure if he, uh, it was supposed to tell me or not."

"You mean as bait?" the blonde's blue eyes darkened in concentrated concern. "I don't fancy that thought."

Gill shook his straw-coloured head and tightened his hold on her delicate fingers.

"Me neither," he said. "And yet...I know deep in the pit of my stomach..."

The steward's train of thought trailed off as Jarryd approached a moderate-sized, wooden door. Every one of the three young people felt their intestines ripple and knot as they stared forward. Doors could be so grand and scary, because the surprise on the opposite side was unknown. If humans could only have see-through vision, how much easier life would be!

Yet this was not the time for whimsical musings. No indeed. For as the three stood assessing the risk at hand, they became aware of a soft, throbbing noise coming from outside. What was that sound?

"Where does this door lead," Gill asked Jarryd.

"The walls overlooking the courtyard," he answered. "My mother's tower stands on the other side."

"Lovely," Gill sarcastically sighed.

"Don't worry, Gill," Adeline squeezed his elbow, "I believe in us. Jarryd will get us out; with your help, naturally."

Gillroy looked into the princess' brave, petite face. She was worried, but such a dear, she chose not to show the fear running in and out of her heart. He did not doubt her sincerity. Gill knew Adeline trusted him with her life and for that faith alone he would defend her to the end...perhaps sooner rather than later.

Gill lifted up his sword, adjusting his palm's position on the hilt.

"Okay, Jarryd," Gill stated. Jarryd nodded and reached for the doorknob. Before he turned it enough to pull the door open, Gill touched his arm, "Uh, Jarryd? I don't mean to pry, but do you happen to have any kind of weapon on you? I mean, it seems to me that we're going to need as many good soldiers and steely blades as we can find once we pass through that door."

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