Chapter Fifteen

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The depths of the Forest of No Return were not only so dark you could not see your nose, they were so totally black that you could lose track of your own person. Bats flapped fiercely overhead any that dared to enter the doomed woods. Fierce, hungry shrieks of blood-thirsty birds ricocheted off the gigantic trees, echoing horror unknown. Bright, beady, yellow eyes glowed from holes and branches everywhere one looked. It was no wonder none ever ventured in and wandered out of this chilling woodland.

Princess Adeline swallowed hard as she gazed at the towering trees at the Forest's edge. Her brown horse, Avory, stomped her hoofs and swayed under the nervous tension. The sight of utter darkness was enough to frighten even the bravest soul. Princess Adeline knew she did not possess the courage to enter these woods, not by a long shot. But she did suffer the desperation needed to get over the brink of friendly territory into the unknown. She had to go inside this black hole. She had to locate the Cave of Lost Memories. That was her choice, her path to take and nothing could stop her now.

"I do not like this, Adeline," Gillroy almost growled at her elbow. He held Dark Journey's reigns in a death grip, not from fear but from angry disapproval. He had hated this scheme from the moment Adeline revealed it to him. What madness had overcome her? Nothing but insanity could explain a trip to this living nightmare. If it had been anyone else in all of Fairy Tale making the request, he would have shook them wildly with both hands and refused to follow along.

But it was not just any old chum asking for a partner on the road. No. Princess Adeline begged him for his company and he could not refuse her. Gill could not refuse Adeline anything, even a journey that almost certainly would end in agony. He was no knight in any sort of armor, but he would stay by her side no matter what. Unless, of course, she told him not to do so.

"I know," Adeline said, in response to Gillroy's statement, "But I have to go in there. Liking has nothing to do with it."

She pulled the storm grey hood of her cape up to conceal her face and long, blonde braid of hair. Only her petite, pointy nose, pink lips and chin could be seen. Her pale skin quite glowed in contrast to the darkness surrounding them. Princess Adeline gracefully slid down from her side saddle and took a deep breath. She really was going to do this.

She understood why it was called the Forest of No Return. Apart from the lack of return visitors, the place had a unique sense of ultimatum. Once she walked over the border, Princess Adeline knew there would be no turning back. Her will and curiosity were leading her to the Cave of Lost Memories and they would not be satisfied until she arrived at that destination. Adeline could not run away, not until the foul deed was done.

Gillroy also dismounted from Dark Journey, intent on talking Adeline out of this creepy endeavour, even up until the last possible moment. He did not know what was so intriguing inside the woods. He had no idea what wonders rested within. Surely many things were not nearly as bad as they appeared on the outside, but Gill was pretty positive The Forest of No Return was the exception to the rule.

So why did Princess Adeline want to wander within this hole of evil?

"Well, I guess this is it," Adeline said. "Now or never."

"I'm pulling for never," Gill commented with urgency. "Adeline please, don't do this. I am begging you. Begging, pleading with you, please think it through for the millionth time."

Princess Adeline shook her head. "It's no good, Gill. The time for thinking and arguing with myself is over. I've had enough of that consuming indecision. I need to be free – this is the only way I know how."

Gillroy's sandy-coloured head fell, his chin dropping to his collarbone, totally defeated. Nothing he could say was going to stop her. His secret heart whispered, "Nothing? Really? What about that one thing you've been hiding since, well, forever? What if you dropped to your knees right now and told her she mustn't be so careless with her life because you love her? Wouldn't that instantly soften her heart? Don't you believe that would do the trick?"

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