Chapter 1

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"What are we going to do with her." A man's voice says. It sounds frantic and hushed.

"Heck I know, James found her. She has the mark of a wizard on her shoulder and the mark of Ianite on her wrist. Should we give her to Matt or Jordan?" Another voice say, but less hushed.

There's silence for a second. I tap into my wizard sense and listen to the thoughts of the two men.

'If Matt finds out about her, he'll want to know everything. And with Wag away working on a build. And Jordan's away looking for Ianite. I don't even think we should know about her.' The first man says.

'I do believe you are right. I recall putting her in this room, my room, to keep people like you from meddling. So I suggest you two get out.' A third mind chimes in.

There are doors opening and closing and then silence. A hand is placed on top of mine in a gentle manner, showing caution and care.

In one swift movement, I grab hold of his hand, swing myself off of what ever I'm on and over the man's back, and pin him against a wall. Having my left arm against him neck to keep him I place, I bring my right hand back. Balling up my fist, I can feel the tension in both my arm and the air as I hold my position.

Realization hit me square in the face when I saw his face. The blood marks. This man is the man that had found me. I can sense the power inside of him as I let my right arm fall, still holding the mystery man in place with the other.

"W-who are y-you." I'm able to force out.

"Before we get to that, might I insist covering up a little more." The man says with a deep voiced accent. He sounds calm.

I look down at myself to see the robe, I'm some how wearing, has undone it's self. Letting my left arm down, I spin around, feeling the heat travel up my face, as I fasten up the robe. Crossing my arms across my chest, I do a double take on the robe. It's red, not purple.

Looking around the room, I notice weapons of all kinds along with books, alters, brewing stands, chests, even a hallway leading down to Mianite knows what. The room is made up of stone bricks with a wooden floor, along with book shelves everywhere. I walk over to one and pull out a glowing book. 'Infinity' The enchantment of the the quiver that allows it to never run out of arrows. Placing it back, I see all kinds of book, some for enchanting and others for spells.

I hear the door open again and feet pushing their way on. Whispered voices come from three people, the man who found me and the two others who got kicked out.

"He read my mind, he knows about the girl. James, what if he thinks her a threat, as someone who will destroy us? He thought that at first when he met the heroes at first. He still thinks their fighting will cause the balance to shift even farther. James, what are we going to do about her?" The first man says.

I turn around to see one man warring the same robe as the man who found me, who's name in guessing is James, and me. Except his is blue, not red or purple. The other man looks like he's warring a welders mask. His apron covers up most of his looks.

"We just need to take it one step at a time. Where is he anyway?" James says, turning to face the two others.

Right as that was said, a voice booms through the building, "James Waglington Hayes!!! Where are you!!" The voice booms.

James sighs, "I'm down stairs Matt. Please be quiet and nice, we have a guest." I'm guessing I'm that guest.

A man flies in a second later, causing the three others to fall vary silent. The flying man wears a skeleton pattern, having on it more then just one or two colors. From the reaction I got from the others, he was the leader.

When he sees me, his eyes grow wide for some reason. He walk over to me and studies my face. Reaching up, he pulls down the shoulder of the robe to revile the mark on my shoulder. Cursing under his breath, he grabs my wrist and pulls up my left sleeve. I knew what he was looking at, and I was proud to wear it. The mark of Ianite.

Throwing my arm down, the man takes a step back from me and glares at me. "She's here to destroy us. I was sent a vision that a girl with both marks will come to steal our powers. This is who I was told about."

With that said, the man grabs hold of my neck and flies my up in the air. I hold onto his arm as we fly, hoping it will loosen his grip just enough to where I can breath. The protests from the three down on the ground don't seem to be fazing this mad man.

"Matt, what the bloody nether are you doing? It doesn't have to happen this way." I can hear James' once calm appeal is now frantic and scared.

"Matt, we can work this out."

"What if it's someone else? It might not be her."

"All of you just shut it!!" The mad man yells, silencing everyone. He looks me dead in the eyes. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asks.

"M-my name is A-Alva. I-I don't k-know why I'm here. O-or even how I-I came here." I'm able to chock out.

He let's go of my throat and I fall to the ground. I gasp as my body hits the ground, knocking whatever breath I had left in my out. The mad man lands next to me and kneels down to my face.

"I didn't mean to drop you, your majesty." And with that, he flew out of the room.

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