1. sleepless

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"You sure it's fine?" Itadori repeated warily, carefully spreading out the duvet over his half-dressed, ridiculously muscular body and shifting around on Megumi's bed.

Jesus. Megumi thought, it's unfair how good his body is.

But then he stopped that thought right there because-

This was Itadori, the overenthusiastic, embarrassing and incredibly irritating Itadori. His friend. And most importantly, the-asshole-who-lied-and-let-everyone-think-he's-dead.
Just remembering Yuji's limp, lifeless body thudding on the ground that terrible night could still make Megumi shudder. He still felt guilty.

(And angry.)

"Okay, no, I'll sleep on the floor." Itadori declared, slamming Megumi out of his thoughts as he got up from the bed and threw the duvet on the floor. Megumi scanned Yuji's face and quickly realized he probably took his shudder as rejection.

"No. Sorry, I'm just tired. Yes, I already told you, sleep on the bed." Megumi breathed out, (but then realized how soft that probably sounded so he quickly added)
"Or you can just leave and let me sleep in peace. But if you are so stubborn on staying, I'm not going to make you sleep on the bed."

At that, Itadori beamed and made himself comfortable beside Megumi.

It was weird, this was not even the first time this kind of sleepover had happened and yet Yuji still got so stressed about taking up Megumi's space.

It has been two weeks since Gojo-sensei pulled the "ITADORI IS ALIVE" box pop-up surprise and yet, Megumi's nightmares persisted.

Following the night of Itadori's death, Megumi got a series of nightmares almost nightly.

Replaying the same scenario, the same evil gleam in Sukuna's eyes and the same feeling of powerlessness. The dreams felt so real-it was often hard accepting that Itadori was, in fact, here and alive.

Megumi was glad, of course, but he was also... conflicted.

He still blamed himself for it all and couldn't believe Itadori was out there somewhere while he was losing sleep and wallowing in sadness over the loss of his first friend.

Not friend. Itadori is just a pain in the ass I'm stuck with.

He thought to himself (though he already knew that was a lie)

He enjoyed the pink haired boy's company more than he liked to admit and since the night he begged Gojo-sensei to spare Itadori's life, he couldn't fight the urge to be close to Itadori. Annoyingly, he found comfort in his presence.

"Hey! You're not even listening to my story." Itadori pouted.

Apparently, Itadori decided that the best way to get Megumi to fall asleep properly, was to tell him a bedtime story.

This was the third night following Itadori's return that Megumi had been woken up from one of his nightmares by him and every time-Itadori insisted on staying by his side until he'd calm down enough to sleep again.

Megumi hadn't realized that he had been yelling out Yuji's name from his sleep all those nights, though he must have been, as one night he was woken up to Yuji's panicked hazel eyes asking if he "was okay", questioning why he'd been calling his name.

From that night, Yuji had pretty much insisted on sleeping over whenever the nightmares repeated.

But tonight was different, because he had just shown up. Unannounced, stating that he had simply decided to sleepover the whole night "just in case".

"You don't have to do that. I'm not a child."

Megumi had groaned, ready to shut the door in Yuji's face.

"But what if you have another nightmare?

"Let's just try it out?

I'm sleeping over.

Please, Megumi."

It was the fact that he had called him by his first name that won him over. It was so small, so stupid, but it touched him enough to give in, quietly huffing out w 'fine' before turning away to hide his warm face away from Itadori's huge, stupid smile.

"I don't want to hear your story, idiot. I'm tired." Megumi turned his back to Yuji, in an effort to tune out the idiot's nonsensical babbling.

"What? But it's really good!! I spent the whole afternoon making it up, Fushiguro! Ahh it's really interesting, I even included your shikigami in it!" Yuji whined back.

Megumi was annoyed (but touched) but he decided he was too tired to argue so he just rolled his eyes and groaned out an annoyed 'fine', signaling Itadori to resume talking.

The story was incredulous and Itadori kept sidetracking, correcting himself or excitedly adding into the plot something new he, apparently, missed. It was all over the place, and Megumi was certain Itadori himself didn't know the direction of the plot or remembered all of his characters, but it didn't matter.

Megumi felt calm and reassured just by the sound of his voice. The excited rises and the dramatic pauses at moments of suspense in Itadori's storytelling planted a small smile on Megumi's lips and somehow- without realising, he slipping into the deep, entrancing sleep he hadn't experienced for months.


Hey guys:D I haven't written fan fiction in FIVE years but these two have won me over completely and I was too unsatisfied with reading in between the lines of the manga/anime + I had too maany headcannons to NOT share this.

I don't know what the direction will be yet, honestly I'm hoping to build off the real storyline and build the headcannons in without it being too disruptive. I'm not really expecting much from this, I just wanted to share the happiness these two bring me:D anyway, I'm open to suggestions, enjoy xxx

(P.s I made the cover art and the artwork below belongs to @ni.juju.ni.sai on Instagram, please check them out)

sai on Instagram, please check them out)

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