Sadly, Gill did not believe it would turn Adeline around. This all comes from problems regarding romance, the steward of the stables reasoned. Such a confession would only make matters worse. It might make her yearn for destruction even more. No, no. You can't just blurt out something that will one-hundred-and-eighty degrees change your relationship at such a critical moment; it's not fair. And once again, reminder to self – You are not a prince, nor will you ever magically become one. Be her oldest friend and serve your princess well in her stables. That's the best you can do for the lady you adore.

Little did Gill know, his depressing, fallen brow almost overpowered the intention of Adeline's head and heart. It quite broke her soul in spots to see him so overcome, so weak and downtrodden. Look what you have done to him, her conscience cried. You have caused your pillar of strength to partially crumble. This is not good, for you or for him. Don't you see, this is what comes of thinking only of yourself? Remember that princess from happier climes whose land now is Dark and Stormy.

Even with these thoughts in mind, Princess Adeline allowed another point of view to sway her decision making. When she looked at Gillroy's sad, sagging features, she labeled the picture as yet another painful memory which needed to be erased. Everywhere she turned her gaze, internally or externally, she found evidence aplenty to compel her towards the Cave of Lost Memories.

"Oh Gill," Adeline moaned, advancing towards him. "Don't let this be the last sight I see before going in there. Don't break your best friend's heart so, please."

She placed a tender hand upon each of his arms, feeling the muscles usually so strong now relax in humility. Yet Gill's head did not stir up to better his view of her. Adeline bent her knees a bit to try peeking up at him from below. But his eyes were shut and there was no chance of consoling him. Princess Adeline squeezed his arms tighter.

"Gill, now really, stop," her voice faltered. "Have a little faith in me. I...I am doing the right thing. This is the...the only possible way..."

A wave of guilt washed over Gillroy. He could never make her cry, not even when they were romping, ruthless children. He suddenly understood – there were other worries beneath the surface which drove Adeline to this tragic scene. There were secrets she kept even from him, and all for the good of Once-upon-a Time. Now that they were far from home, she could rescue them, rescue herself from the dangerous, inner knowledge she carried. Who was he to judge a princess? Her cares could not even compare to his daily responsibilities and annoyances.

Gillroy swept Adeline up into a tight hug. With one hand behind her hooded head, Gill hushed the princess' welling emotions. He would not let her face the dark unknown without a final ray of friendly trust. Whether or not he believed she was making a wise move, Gill had to encourage Adeline's revival. It was the least he could do for the friend who meant so much to him.

"Be careful, Adeline," he whispered in her ear. "I can't lose you."

"No one is going to," she promised.

Gill pulled her away to arm's length and stared directly into her baby blue eyes, "But I can't lose you."

It was the nearest remark to telling her the truth he could make at the moment. Princess Adeline breathed his ardent devotion into every corner of her personality. She knew her life would have been even darker if Gill had not played such a great part in it. She was eternally grateful for having him with her, past, present and future. Of the few creatures she treasured intimately, Gill was the only one she constantly relied upon, knowing he would never, could never disappoint her. He was her anchor, her light in the storm.

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