Chapter 3

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The ground shook beneath me as I cowered underneath my bed, praying and hoping that I would survive. I screamed as the bombs gradually got closer and closer until it felt like they were dropping in my front garden! The noise of bombs exploding filled my ears once again and I decided to take a peak out of my window, I needed to see how close they were. I quickly scrambled over there and gently moved the curtains not wanting to see how bat the damage was. I expected it to be ad but it was far worse than I could've ever imagined.

A house two doors down from mine was now rubble and the two houses opposite had had their front wall obliterated from a bomb blast. Fires rained over the city curling round every corner and taking over every street which left the sky dark and musty from all the smoke. I was just beginning to grasp the entirety of what had happened when I heard the tell tale whistle of a bomb coming directly for my house. "oh god" I though to my self "this is the end!" My heart beat heightened and panic started to set in when I realised "you daft Dumbo. You can freeze things for gods sake" fumbling, I unlatched my window and stuck my head out. I raised my hands above my head and pushed all I had into them, ice started to stream out of them towards the bomb but nothing was working it was going to fast. As I was about to give up everything stopped. And when I say everything I mean everything, from the fires roaring to the smoke tendrils floating through the sky, it felt like the whole world had frozen in place.

"Well it seems I arrived just in time then don't you think Miss Lantuhn" came a voice from thee streets below.

"h-h-how do you know my name" I asked trying to see who I was talking too. Just then a lady stepped out of the shadows, she wore a navy blue overcoat which matched the shade of her peregrine blue hair and she had piercing blue eyes.

"I am Alma LeFay Peregrine and I have to take you back to my house. You see, Miss Lantuhn I run a home for children like. Children who can do special things like you can, like what you did before I stopped the bomb" she explained

"You stopped the bomb! How in god's name did you do that. That goes completely against the laws of gravity, I mean it goes against pretty much everything I've been taught in science. Unless you're a time travel, which is highly unlikely, impossible even.." I babbled on until Miss Peregrine interrupted me.

"Miss Lantuhn. MISS LANTUHN. There we go now you are listening to me I am what is called an ymbryne and you are what it called a peculiar "("a what?") she proceeded to explain to me how about the brief history of the peculiar world and how her job as an ymbryne was to protect young peculiars from monsters called hollowgast and whights. She then went on to tell my how she already had a loop in Wales during 1940 (so she pretty much was a time traveller)  and how she quickly made a loop here so I would not get hit by a bomb but as soon as we were safely away from it she would let go of the loop and the bomb would come and destroy the place I felt safe but also terrified at the same time. "So, it's now up to you. Would you like to come and live us"

"wait, so your saying that there are other children, like me I mean who can do odd things"

"Well, that certainly one way of putting it Miss Lantuhn but yes in your way of saying it there are others who can do "odd things" like you but I much prefer to use the word extraordinary. In my loop there are many children even one boy named Millard who is invisible. But it is up to you if you would like to be the newest addition to our family."

"yes, yes, yes I would love to be!" I exclaimed.

"well you better pack your things and I will find a way to get you out of that darn room." with that I hurriedly pulled out all my clothes sorting them into piles of what I wanted and what I didn't care about. In the end I packed 2 swimming costumes, 3dresses, 3 skirts, 4 blouses and grabbed my coat from the back of my door. I only owned one pair of shoes and they were on my feet. I would get my toiletry's once Miss Peregrine opened this door. Just as I latched up my suitcase my door swung open with a satisfying clang and there stood Miss Peregrine "how in the world did you do that" I said, shocked.

"Magic" she whispered back whilst slipping a hairpin back into her bun. "now we must get going if we are to catch the last train of the evening. Chop, Chop then!"

I quickly darted into the bathroom and swept my toiletries into my suitcase and then followed Miss Peregrine out onto the street below. As soon as we were a safe distance away from the house she let the loop go and I watched as a bomb obliterated my house. 

My new beginning had started




reminder don't do your geography homework at 11pm the night before its due:'( 

would not recommend 

anyway thnx so much for reading remember to like comment and voteee. have a amazing day :))

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