It was meant to be a vacation after all and now there's a COVID outbreak, which now meant that they had to spend the rest of their vacation in quarantine. It was meant to be for only three weeks and while they did have some fun going to the lake and to the local amusement parks, they only really enjoyed one week of that. Well, more like a week and a half but still. It was better to be safe than sorry, especially in the middle of a global pandemic and especially in a country that relied mostly on herd immunity instead of locking down. At least Sweden wasn't like the United States when it came to actually dealing with the pandemic firsthand and that was the good part.

Agnetha and Björn immediately began getting their things as well as Danielle's and Kaylee's things and began taking their two sick babies to the hospital. At the end of the day, the pediatric nurse was right, the sooner they were treated, the better repercussions they would have. Luckily, Danielle and Kaylee were asleep for the time being, but they were still really sick as Agnetha and Björn gently tried to lay them into their car seats so they can be taken to the hospital, but to no avail. Even though they were asleep, the babies seemed to be aware that they were being taken off their mother's chest and onto their car seats and they were having none of it.

"Girls, please!" Agnetha sighed. "I know you both want mommy but I need to put you both in your car seats."

"Anna, just let them stay on your chest," Björn replied.

"You can't be serious, Björn," Agnetha replied. "The babies are exactly three months old today and they've tested positive for COVID and we need to take them to you know where and you just want them to stay on my chest when you're going to be driving a car?!"

"Anna, they're sick and they really need you," Björn replied.

"Yeah true," Agnetha sighed.

With that being said, Agnetha stayed in the back with the two babies still laying on her chest, sound asleep while Björn quickly and safely drove to the local hospital. Once they arrived at the hospital, Agnetha and Björn immediately explained their situation to the doctors and nurses that were on standby in the emergency room and Danielle and Kaylee were taken to the NICU as a result. There was no doubt both girls were having none of it. They were being ripped away from their mother after all and she was all they wanted.

Agnetha immediately felt emotional as it broke her heart seeing Kaylee and Danielle cry for their mother as they were being taken away to the NICU to be treated, but deep down, she knew it was necessary. It was the only way they were going to recover. Björn felt equally tearful but remained hopeful that their two little baby girls were going to be ok. They were fighters after all. They had gone through stuff that a normal three month old doesn't go through. From being kidnapped twice (once in the womb and again just a few weeks ago) to Kaylee's baby glasses situation, to a crazy road trip, to just being very sickly in general.

"Shh...Anna," Björn soothed through their tears as they held each other tightly. "They will be ok. I promise."

"They're so sick, Björn!" Agnetha exclaimed. "They're gonna die! I just know it!"

Björn immediately sat Agnetha down and the two of them held each other through their tears for a little while. It was something that they both really needed at that very particular moment. It was very hard to believe that their two little babies that they had struggled to have were now among the millions of people battling COVID along with all the other unpleasant situations that they had been in. They kept asking themselves, "why them?," and there was no doubt that Agnetha especially was blaming herself for this situation. She just couldn't do it anymore.

She thought that perhaps it just wasn't meant for her to have anymore babies after Christian and she did. She had also been planning to get pregnant again and had already booked an appointment at the fertility clinic and she and Björn were both looking forward to it and now they were starting to reconsider. They both genuinely thought that Kaylee and Danielle were going to die. That's how bad the situation was and it seemed like there was no way out. Just then, the doctor immediately came out and spoke to both Agnetha and Björn.

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