Syd Barrett #1

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Modern AU

"Syd, for the love of God, sit still!

At the moment you were trying to polish your amazing boyfriend's nails after he had begged and begged like a kid for you to do it. "Why would you even want me to do this?"

"Darling, have you seen the amount of guys in TikTok with black nails? I'm the odd one out," he pouted while you chuckled.

"Yes, I have, but still I think you're old enough to do your own nails."

"No, I can't. Did you see my hand earlier? Do you want me to present myself in social media like that?"

You looked at him while raising one eyebrow. "You don't even like appearing in public, Syd."

"That's not the point! As long as people see me, no matter for how much time, I have to make a lasting impression."

"You're starting to sound like Roger and I don't know if I should be concerned." You went back to trying to apply the nail polish on his hand for what felt like the hundredth time. Maybe this time you would be lucky but soon this turned to be just a fool's wish as Syd kept happily rambling and excitedly jerked his hand making you spill the polish. You sighed and let off of his hand.

"Oh my fucking God, will you stop moving for a fucking second!"

He looked at you with evident hurt in his eyes. You had never yelled at him. Hell, you never raised your voice unless it was absolutely necessary. He stopped talking and adverted your gaze.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry," he managed to mutter while standing up. "I'll clean this mess."

You looked at him while he exited your bedroom. You felt a tug on your chest. His sad expression was stuck in your head. You collected all the makeup stuff that was all over the floor. You then sat on your bed, not even bothering to get inside it. You pressed your legs on your chest and hid your head under your arms. Many negative thoughts travelled all around your head. You didn't even notice you were crying when you felt gentle and strong arms wrap around you and a kiss being pressed on your hair.

"I-I am so s-sorry," you sniffed while trying to make your voice clear. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and I'm selfish for even crying about it. You're the one who should be angry with m-."

Your rambling was cut by Syd shushing you. You opened your mouth and closed it, swallowing hard.

"It's okay, sweetheart, there's no need to apologise. I know how sensitive you are and surely today wasn't the best day for you. I'm so stupid for not reading the signs and staying put."

You gave a light chuckle and hugged him tighter.

"Yes, you are the most stupid person I've ever met but you're also the man I fell in love with."

"Ouch, that hurted." You both laughed while holding each other.

How were you so lucky to have met someone like him?


okay so first chapter done, hope you liked it. idfk what happened here, this started as a headcanon and became a full on fluffy angsty chapter. tf is worng with me

~Lady Alis

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