The Letter

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Fandom: Fnaf, Afton Family.
Main Character: Elizabeth Afton.

I wrote this to seem like it wasn't a FNaF story, so it might not seem like it.

“C’mon Eli! I thought that you were faster than this!” Chris says as he sticks his tongue at me.

“Give me back my doll!” I yell back as I chase after him. Why do little brothers have to be so annoying? I chase him into the living room, when he suddenly stops, my doll falling on the floor.

“What are you guys arguing about now?” Michael says as he blocks us from running any further. He leans down and grabs the doll and passes it over to me. “Really? You guys are fighting over some stupid toy? Again?”  I scowl at him. Even if he is my older brother, I don't like him teasing me.

“It’s not just a stupid toy! That's my limited edition doll!” I yell at him. He chuckles. He then kneels down near me.

“I know it's not a stupid doll. I just like to tease you” Michael says with a smirk on his face. I get over my angry mood and smile back at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris frowning. Why is he upset? Now that I notice he's a few feet away from us. Does he not like Michael?

“It’s okay! Do you want to play with me and Chris?” I ask excitedly. Chris shakes his head no and is about to say something when Michael interrupts.

“Sure” Michael replies. In the corner of my eye I see Chris stomp off.

“What was that about?” I ask looking back to Michael.

“I don't know” He says with a look on his face that tells me he does know. Why is he lying? I want to ask, but the scene around me fades into nothing…

I wake up to the loud sound of my alarm clock beeping. Quickly, I hit the snooze button. I groan. Why did I set my alarm for 6 o’clock in the morning? Right. It’s Monday. I have work.  I sigh and lay back down. When my head hits the pillow, I look over to my nightstand to see a family photo. It was taken 7 years ago, back when we were a happy family, and we were all still alive. Dad is in the back with his grin as always. Whenever I see his smile I can't help but see that it looks more creepy than happy. But that is Dad for you. In front of dad, is Mike. He has his big smirk on his face. He always seemed way too happy for a teenager. In front of Mike, is me, and Chris. While I have a happy smile on, as usual, Chris looks sad. He looks like he wants to be happy, but he can't. I have noticed it ever since the incident.

I miss them all very much. While I'm here alone, they are all far away. It all started when Michael started bullying Chris. I didn't notice it too much in the beginning, I was always in my own world. Eventually though, It got worse. Michael would scare Chris just to get a laugh out of seeing him cry. I only started really noticing the bullying, when Dad started to yell at Michael. I love my Dad, but he was not the best father. He never really paid attention to us kids much, he was always focused on his job. So when Micheal’s bullying got worse, Dad got angrier. Every night in the kitchen, I could hear them yelling at each other. It was hard to sleep some nights worrying about it.

Even when I noticed the Bullying, I didn't help Chris. I loved my brothers a lot and I didn't want the drama to worsen. But one day, Mike went too far.  It was Chris’s birthday and it was pretty happy at first. But one prank later, Chris was in the hospital with a major head injury. He fell into a coma for a few months. The night after Chris’s birthday, Dad kicked Michael out, not knowing how severe Chris’s injury was but knowing that it would have major damage. I never saw Micheal again.

My dad didn't survive long after that. Overcome with guilt, he made a few wrong choices and ended up in jail. I was happier than I should have been when I found out where he was. It’s hard to love someone who won’t even try to love you back. Often I wonder if we would have been different if we had a mother. Well, obviously, we had a mother but I never knew her, and she probably never knew me. Dad never talked about her. Perhaps there was too much heartbreak.

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