He went inside the building after I waved at him. And I went back home.


A week later

Today after school, I had something to do. It's not really that much of a big event, I just needed to collect the desserts that I preordered online, but I still felt like doing full makeup and dressing nicely.

Dressing up doesn't necessarily make me feel better most of the time. I sometimes feel that it's a waste of time and money because I'm ugly no matter what. No one would find me attractive even when I try to look good. But then, I still wanted to look less ugly so...

As I was walking, I felt the shoelaces of my boots loosen, but I couldn't tie it right away because I was in the middle of the road and I was wearing a skirt, so I just kept walking, being extra careful so I wouldn't trip.

Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder from behind. I stopped and turned around to see a boy with eye catching green hair. I show a slightly confused expression since I've never seen him before.

"Uh... your shoelaces..." the boy pointed hesitantly.

"Oh, I know," I smiled a bit, "I'll tie it later, thank you anyways."

He stopped me from walking. "Wait a second," he said as he walked in front of me, knelt down and quickly got back up in a few seconds.

I looked down to see my shoelaces already tied, making my jaw drop in shock.

"I... umm, I thought that it wouldn't take a long time so I just tied them for you," the boy seemed a bit embarrassed. "Sorry if you didn't want me to do so. I don't want to seem rude."

I immediately shook my head, "no! It's fine, thank you so much. Um... you're really quick at tying shoelaces."

"Thanks," he laughed awkwardly, before continuing walking, "bye!"

"Bye," I waved as I watch him walk further and further away from me.

Damn, he's good looking, and hot. Seems like the type to have lots of friends and followers on instagram, the type of people that I would never be able to get close to. It's a miracle that I get to interact with this guy.

I continued heading to my destination, walking slowly because I was quite early, but suddenly, I noticed someone.


And he's standing next to the green haired boy who I bumped into just now, the two of them chatting with each other. They're friends?

When Jiung noticed me, his eyes widened.

"Hi," he greeted.

"Hi," I awkwardly waved back.

"Oh, so you guys know each other?" The green haired boy was shocked to see me, and even more shocked when Jiung and I greeted each other. "Dude! This is such a coincidence!"

"Ah, haha..." Jiung laughed a bit before introducing us to each other, "um, Chaerin, so this is my best friend Keeho. And Keeho, this is Chaerin."

Best friends?! The two of them?!

Keeho smiled brightly as he held out his hand to me, "nice to meet you!"

I carefully shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you too."

"How old are you?" Keeho asked as I moved to the side of the slightly crowded street with them.


Amelioration || Choi JiungWhere stories live. Discover now