Chapter 6 - Confusing Thoughts

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"Oh, god" I whispered and I opened my eyes, which had automaticlly closed during the kiss, looking up at him.

He met my eyes and I cursed myself for looking into his gorgeous blue ones. I was stuck, there was nothing I could do. Except feeling the force inside me which wanted more of him, wanted more of his lips, more of his touching, more of the feeling I got when he kissed me. A feeling I had never felt with anyone before. A feeling that made the saying 'to have butterflies in the stomach' weak. I managed to gather my thoughts somewhat and I gently sneaked out from between the car and his body. I backed away from him as I started backing towards the school.

"Like I said, thanks for the... food, yeah, food. Bye" I said and I quickly spun around and set off towards the school in fast steps.

I avoided looking back at him, I knew that if I did I would most definitely turn back. Not that I wanted to but because I felt drawn to him. Once I was inside the doors I breathed out heavily. My hand reached up to my lips and as I touched my lips with my fingers I could still feel the ghost of his touch on them.

"Kate!" a sudden voice made me jump out of my thoughts and I looked up.

Lanie came walking towards me and she started talking as she walked over but I couldn't make out a word.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I interrupted her as she came closer to me.

She stopped talking and I could see her eyes examine me, trying to figure out why I seemed so distracted. I straightened myself and I shook my head.

"Lanie, I'm just tired, that's all" I lied but I knew she wouldn't buy it.

"Mhmm" she said in her typical 'I know you're lying' tone. "So how did it go with the coffee?" she asked and I felt my eyes widen before I managed to put on my pokerface.

"It was okay" I said short and I started walking towards my office.

I heard Lanie follow me and I knew for sure she would interrogate me the second I stepped into my office so I rearranged my steps towards the classrooms so I could check in a little and see how the kids were doing when walking by their doors.

"Kate, where were you? I know he took you out of here because before I sent you that text I was in your office and you weren't there so don't lie to me" Lanie said and walked up to me so she walked beside me as I looked around at the kids running around during their break.

"He insisted on taking me out for lunch, ok? We ate at Burger King, which reminds me I left my soda in his car" I gave in and ran a hand over my face.

"Kate?" a little girl asked and when I turned around I saw none other than Alexis.

"Hey, Alexis, what's wrong?" I asked and she held out a cup from Burger King.

"Dad told me you forgot this" she said and handed it to me.

I was stum, I didn't know what to say more than a simple 'thank you' and to my relief I didn't have to say anything else because when she had handed me the cup she ran off to her friends.

"That's his kid?" Lanie asked in awe.

"Uhm... yeah..." I mumbled as I turned around, grabbed Lanie's hand and dragged her towards my office.

She didn't say anything but I could feel her questioning look. As soon as we got inside my office I closed the door and wiped my face with my free hand.

"He kissed me" I breathed too low for Lanie to hear.

"What?" she asked, indicating she hadn't heard me.

"He kissed me" I breathed louder and Lanie's eyes widened before she let go of a squeak of excitement.

She hugged me and I felt confused. I had never been more confused in my life. Thoughts were circling in my head as I tried to understand what I was feeling.

"What's wrong Kate?" Lanie asked as she pulled away and saw my scared face.

"I don't know Lane, everything" I said and I walked to my desk.

I bumped down in my chair and sat the cup on my desk before I put my hands over my face. I heard Lanie sigh before I heard her sitting down in the chair on the opposite side of my desk.

"Kate, you didn't actually believe you could avoid men forever, did you?" she asked with a much calmer voice than I thought she would've used.

I looked at her.

"No" I sighed, "but I don't know him Lanie, so why does it feel like I do? Why does it feel like I'm drawn to him? Why can't I stop thinking about him?" I questioned.

I usually wouldn't let Lanie in the loop of this kind of things since she always exaggerated things but somehow I had to tell someone, and who better to tell than your best friend? I saw a wide smile spread across Lanie's face and I didn't know whether to be scared or just plain frightened.

"Sounds like little Katie is in love with her soulmate" she sang.

Rick Castle's POV

The ride home was killing me. I had found Alexis in the school after I'd seen the soda still in my car and decided to give it to either Alexis or Kate. When I gave it to Alexis she had given me a suspicious look before agreeing to give it to her principal. On the ride home all I could think about was the kiss. Her lips had felt perfect against mine, and she had kissed me back. I had been afraid she was going to push me away, so I was shocked when she had started to move her lips with mine. I didn't really know what had made me kiss her. I didn't know what had flown into me as I suddenly pressed my lips against hers. After the kiss she had seemed afraid, slowly backing off while trying to thank me for the food and then she had turned around and practically fled the scene. I didn't know but that didn't feel like a good sign. Before I knew it I walked into my loft and I immediately went into my office. I had to get these feelings out, and best way to do that was write about them as if they were someone else's. I started my computer and opened up a new document. I started writing about a principal who also was a great police, she had been assigned to be the kids's principal to make sure nothing would happen to them. She was there to protect kids who didn't have any place else to go to be safe. There was going to be murders to solve there too, she was going to be a detective who could find the killers of both some kids and the parents before the other kids was in any danger. And she would meet one of the parents of a girl and they would feel a tension between each other which none of them wanted to admit. The principal would start doubting he had nothing to do with the murder that was going on with the other parents but she would eventually believe him and fall deeply in love with him, even though she didn't want to. His name would be Jameson Rook, and her name... Her name would be Nikki Heat.

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