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A light breeze was felt in the air, and the sound of waves was heard. There stood a girl, looking up at the naked sky that was yet to be seen. A smile came across her face as she mesmerized the scene right before her.

Thousands of beautiful twinkling stars were present above, while the moon shone beautifully with them, giving a little light access to those below.

As time went by, she now sat on the sand, watching as this fascinating scenery unfolded before her. She had always felt comfortable watching it, as it always made her feel at peace.

As she was watching the sky in silence, she didn't notice that she had already fallen asleep by the bay.

A few moments had passed unnoticed, and through the faraway ocean, there could be seen a man standing on a boat. As it made its way to the island. Little by little.

Then, as he settled himself on the island, exhausted by his who knows how long adventure, he flopped himself on the sand. He slightly looked around him and saw the sleeping girl by the ocean.

He made his way towards her and slightly tapped her on the shoulder. "Miss, are you alright?" he said, towering over her.

"Go away; you're disturbing my sleep," she said, then went back to sleeping soundly. The man looked at her, observing, and thought to himself,

Why was she sleeping out here?

"But it's already past midnight; it's too cold outside," said the man beside her.

At this point, being as irritated as she is, she is wide awake and is now looking at the man before her.

She looked around the area as she was helping herself up; it was noiseless but felt calming as the ocean waves were heard minute by minute. Then she turned her attention to the man who woke her up.

There stood a tall young man who had dark curly hair that was covered by a hat. A pair of two narrow eyes, which made him look more like a serious person, but what interested her most were the freckles just below them that looked as if they were constellations, as she could describe them. He was wearing a yellow polo in which the button was open all the way, exposing his well-toned abs; A belt that had a sign 'A' in the middle; and so on.

"You done checking me out?" She heard him say something, but she was too occupied checking him out. That made a smirk appear in his face, which was followed by a playful grin that she also found interesting about him.

"Excuse me, what?" She said as she finally snapped out of her thoughts. She hadn't realized that she was staring at the man, and she felt embarrassed as she realized what she was doing.

"Do you want me to take my shirt off or—" He suddenly said, and that made the girl flustered, looking as if she were a tomato at that moment.

"Are you a perv?" she screamed at him and turned around as her hands made their way towards her face.

"Well, I thought you might have liked it," he said, laughing afterwards. This time, she was so embarrassed to the point that she had also dropped herself by the sand, her face still covered by her hands.

"I see, you find this funny, huh? You perv!" she said to him, and that made him stop laughing and look at her. She could not read the expression his face was showing, but she knew she had crossed the line.

"Well, who was the one checking out who? "He said that, and that made her angry as to why she thought that he would get mad suddenly.

She rose from the ground and stood properly in front of him. She took in their height difference, which made her feel like a small puppy, as this guy standing in front of her was too tall in comparison to each other.

"What now?" He looked at her sternly and slightly smiled. "Excuse me! I wasn't checking you out!" the girl said, once again turning her back against him.

That's one gorgeous smile he has. No, no, (Name), you don't even know this man; don't you start thinking weird stuff like that.

While talking to herself, she was caught off guard when the man she was conversing with suddenly fell asleep, face first on the sandy ground.

Now look who's sleeping.

"Hello?" she called to him, waiting for a response. When she did not get any, she started thinking,

"What if he died? I NEED TO HIDE HIS BODY. Quick!" she ran back and forth as she found a place to put the body of the man when suddenly she heard him snore loudly, and that stopped her from dropping her butt just a few inches away from him.

"You got me there," she said, as if the man would hear her. Then she had a sudden outburst of laughter, thinking about what she had done earlier.

Moments later, when she had finally calmed herself, she laid beside him and continued watching the beautiful scenery seen through the night sky.

It was then that she noticed that a shooting star had fallen right before her eyes, and she screamed in delight when it happened.

"A shooting star!" she said, and she had a smile that could tell she was truly excited. "Now make a wish." She closed her eyes and told the fallen star her wish.

I wish that—

"I wish that this woman beside me would tell me her name," the man said beside her, which caught her off guard and didn't finish what she was going to tell the star. He was now lying on the sand while his arms supported the weight of his head.

"You're not supposed to say it out loud, you know." She pouted at him and crossed her arms. "Oh, so you believe in those? Why?" he asked while raising a brow.

"Well, it's not bad to believe, 'ya know," she said, smiling while looking upwards again, admiring the stars once again.

"So, would you tell me your name?" he asked.

Should I? Or should I not?

Well, it won't hurt anyone if he knows my name anyway.

"(N-name) (Last name)," she said and sat down, bringing her feet forward close to her chest and hugging it.

Silence filled the air once again, which made her look back at him. When she did, she caught the man staring at her. So, in return, she also stared back at him.

"When you want someone to introduce themselves, you should first introduce yourself." She should have first told him this, but oh well.

But, without a second of thought, he answered,

"Portgas D. Ace"

A Chapter With Him {Portgas D. Ace}Where stories live. Discover now