
His original plan to scare the children had only half worked. The green guy and the others had been struck pretty hard, but the little gremlin, Bakugou Katsuki as he had proudly introduced himself, was almost vibrating with excitement as adrenaline pumped through his veins and his chakra made wild leaps. Somehow, Orochimaru had managed to find a place in his circle of friends through this. He was not amused.

His mother, on the other hand, was thrilled and was about to throw a party. She had already given up on her four-year-old son somehow making friends. That he had found not one, but two, with Midorya Izuku permanently glued to Katsuki's side, was almost too good to be true. Once again, Orochimaru could only raise an eyebrow, watching his mother talk ethusiastically to the mothers of the two boys.

Somehow, the whole thing ended with Masaki spontaneously inviting the two families to dinner that same evening. Now the Sannin had the two children and his expectant and overjoyed mother on his hands for the rest of the day. Again, he was not amused.

"Say Kenta, what's your Quirk anyway?" asked Katsuki after a while, eyeing the quiet boy curiously. "Snakes," the latter answered vaguely. He never knew exactly what to take as his Quirk, because he clearly could do so much more than that, but when as a child as a test, he had once detached one of his white snakes from his arm and his brother had unfortunately caught him, that was officially taken as his Quirk. Not that it bothered him much.

Misaki laughed softly from the side and gave the gremlin a clearer answer, "Kenta can detach snakes from his skin and has very sensitive senses because of it. Well, what's your Quirk Katsuki?"

"Cool! I can make explosions!" the little one exclaimed, showing off the small explosions as they popped quietly in his palm. Orochimaru looked up with interest. The explosions actually explained some of the wild chakra of the child. It was somewhat reminiscent of that of a certain Akatsuki member, only the explosive and fiery part was more prominent.

Then the attention turned to Izuku, who slumped a bit under the sudden attention. "I'm still waiting for my Quirk" he explained briefly, and after a few quick words of encouragement, the conversation switched to the next topic. Only Orochimaru kept his gaze firmly on the shy boy. His reserves were pretty much non-existent. They were there, just barely noticeable. In his opinion, this child would awaken no Quirk, or only a very weak one. Whereby it was exactly that which aroused his interest. He also had this unusual baised chakra, which meant that the genes were there, but apparently not strong enough to awaken. He seriously wondered what would happen if these genes were stimulated and thus artificially awakened. Was it possible to strengthen already existing Quirks? Did chakra transfusions work? If he completely drained the chakra from a person's body, would they die like in his world, or just lose their Quirk? Were these theories perhaps the answer to his years-long quest to become stronger?

His chakra hummed excitedly under his skin and it was hard not to kidnap this boy here and there and cover him with seals. However, he stopped himself from doing so. Soon, he told himself, and then stared silently at the group before him again.

Soon, he repeated, and couldn't help but grin slightly.


On the day Orochimaru was five, he had finally finished building his hideout. Despite his experience, he had again resorted to an underground cave. It was the simplest and most efficient hiding place. A little Doton here and there and a few (many) seals later, he had created himself an underground maze, where one would hardly find his way around without prior knowledge. One of the reasons the whole thing had taken so long was the setup for everything, which he had only managed with a lot of transformation jutsus, clones and time.

Shadow clones were really something great, especially if you were permanently watched by someone, because as a child you are apparently never allowed to have your peace. If you thought that a certain Uzumaki was the only one who had gotten his hands on the secret scroll of the second Hokagen, you were wrong. Orochimaru had had access to it, not only because his teacher was the Hokage, or because he himself was a candidate for the post, but also because he would have tried to get his hands on it even without these circumstances. In the end, he was allowed to take one look and his photographic memory had memorized the entire thing within minutes. These were just a few of the many jutsus he had in his arsenal. You really shouldn't underestimate his will to learn all jutsus, because he had thousands that he could still remember perfectly. They ranged from all elemental ninjutsus, over the art of sealing and healing, to kin-jutsus of all kinds. Even jutsus that required Kekkei Genkai to be used and were therefore impossible for him, he had stored in the depths of his memories.

So he could proudly say that he had a jutsu ready for whatever situation, and while he couldn't match the chakra of a bijuu, he wasn't dealing with those demons in this world anyway, but with normal people, you could say civilians, xo he was perfectly fine.

He had already sent out a couple of transformed clones to snatch some small-time criminals off the streets, so soon he would finally be able to quench his thirst for knowledge. His hand was already twitching excitedly and his typical grin settled on his lips as he walked down the layers of hallways.

He was sure there would be some deaths in here, but despite the strict law of this world, Orochimaru wasn't worried. It was all about not getting caught. And getting rid of a body was just too easy for him.

Simple process: take the body, put it in a scroll, burn the scroll.

Simple and quick and no one would wonder about some paper ash. And even if they did, he had the perfect alibi for just about everything. He was a kid, he was the son of the chief of police and came from a family that enforced the law, his quirk had only to do with snakes, he was completely inconspicuous and in general it is impossible to find his hiding place.

Only with sheer dumb luck could it be found and even if it was, then entering it would pose yet another problem. The regular shinobi had major problems with his seals, so why would anyone from this world make it? While he never ruled out the possibility that a Quirk could still make it in some twisted way, he wasn't too worried. When he spoke of a maze, he meant not only the endless twisted corridors, but also the death traps he had slapped in between. Let it just be said that he was bored and looking for some fun. He was very creative.

Absolutely satisfied with himself, he once again overlooked all his medical instruments and tools and proudly admired the laboratory that he had equipped himself with advanced technology in the last two years.

Too bad he didn't have Kabuto anymore, because now his subjects would die faster again, but then again, the guy was still a bitch and he could continue to burn in hell. Too funny that he thought he killed the Orochimaru. In the end, he could watch the whole fun show from the curse mark and laugh at the idiot after he revived. Good old days.

After his short tour through the fully geared up underground hideout, he set off to get back home and replace his sleeping clone. He quickly covered the few miles and deftly jumped through the half-open window. With a poof, the sleeping copy of him disappeared and with a last glance at the clock, he also went to sleep.

3:51 showed the digital clock with red glowing numbers. Enough sleep for his young body.

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