You don't say anything, you just continue your blank expression and stare back up at the ceiling. 

He lets out a sigh.“Y/ need to tell us what happened. We need to know the whole story, or else we won't be able to help you,” he explains. You look over at him and into his eyes. You can see that he’s worried and concerned. But still, you stay quiet and look back up at the ceiling.. After a minute of being no response he sighs and runs his hand through his hair. 

    “Y/n I-” he starts but you interrupt him.

“Take these things off..” you say in a quiet voice, tugging weakly at the restraints. It was so weird to have sound leave your mouth, your voice was so shaky and almost sounded scratchy.

    “Y/n I can’t. We need to make sure that you-” he starts again, but like before, you interrupted him.

    “I won’t run away… I just want to be able to move,” you say almost as a whimper, “please….” You didn't make eye contact with him but you can almost feel the amount of hesitation he has before he slowly undoes the clips and belts of the restraints. But it’s didn't jump out of the bed, and you didn't try to fight or attack. You just kinda laid there for a minute not moving, trying to embrace the feeling of your limbs being able to feel lighter, and not pushed down. You instantly felt less crowded and you took in a deep breath, letting it out as a shaky sigh.

    “Thank you….” you whispered sitting up, and looking over the room from a different angle. 

    “Y/n, me and the other heroes have been very worried about you. We all tried to find you, and get you back. Especially your classmates. And especially Kirishima,” he states. You tense up just by the mention of Kirishima’s name. Your feelings were so strong and passionate before… and now you're just confused. You're beyond confused at the point. Do you love him? Or is that not even an option of possibilities anymore. You don't hate him, and you don't dislike him in any ways, in fact you still think of him as the most perfect being on the planet. 

    “Sensei…..” you say as you begin to fiddle with your fingers, “I want to go see Jin.”

The room went silent for a few moments. He obviously didn't know what to say, he would open his mouth to say something, then close it before he had the chance to. You were put in a hospital gown at some point. You don't know when, but you felt oddly naked, with your limbs showing you place your hands on your arms as if you were hugging yourself, to feel comfortable and safe. 

    “You can't...he’s in the process of questioning and refuses to speak to us. We can’t let anyone see him until he gives his statement. We need to get yours as well Y/n...We can help you get better if you tell us everything that happened,” he explains.

    “You won't be getting my statement then,” you say back, “not until I’m able to go see Jin.”

“Y/n.” he says in a more stern tone, “letting the influence of an outside party alter his story in any way, would be illegal!” he argues.

    “Oh…” you give a weak smile, only the corners of your lips barely turning upwards, “Well… you are talking to a it's fine, right?” you give a weak and shallow chuckle, and turn your head to look at him. But he looks so sad when you do.

    How could of his star students, become like could you have been hiding so much and keeping so much to yourself this whole time.. But that is not even the worst of it. Your eyes. When you looked him in the eyes, there was no emotion. They were completely blank, with no life. You had lost your motivation. There was no longer any twinkling pride, no more brightness that came to your being naturally.

    He wondered if this was what you would have looked like if you had never hidden anything from them. If this was your true self or not. If only a hero had been there to save you when you were young. If a hero would have saved you from that horrible woman, that calls herself your mother, the beatings, and the trauma. Everything that made you this way was too far gone to be fixed. The damage could never be undun. Not from what had happened to you. He was having a hard time accepting the fact that this was the real you…

    You look over at him, and notice that he's deep in thought with an almost pitiful expression mixed with self guilt and conviction. You slowly put your hand up and put it on his forearm. He looked up at you and your dull eyes.

    “It’s not your fault, Sensei… it's mine for not being smart or strong. I made the decisions that lead me to where I am now. It was my fault,” you lips tremble slightly at your own words, “I had more than enough  chances to make things better. I had more than enough people I could have gone to…” you let out a sigh and smile at him. Just trying to smile was exhausting. You could barely muster enough willpower to even do it. But there you were. Smiling like the broken and naive girl you were. 

    His heart sank even further down into his chest when he saw your smile. It was like all the emotion of happiness and sincerity was there.. But your eyes had nothing. It made the whole display of emotion seem wrong. 

    “Y/n.. It’s not your fault that you had to go through what you did. But you can fix everything that you had control over, by letting us help you. You can get over your addictions and mental challenges,” he told you, “We have set up several different therapy methods, and a rehab program for people like you.” he said. You know that he was trying to be kind and he was… but you coulndt process how to react to it.

    “People like me, huh….?” you mumbled.

Word count: 1774

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