Slendy Comes To Town

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        My hands slowly and anxiously caressed over the handle bars of my bike. I searched the nocturnal sky in wonder of what secrets it held, the stars tinkling in laughter of what was left unknown to humanity. The wind kissed my face with its gentle fingertips as it blew back my blonde hair. My gray-blue eyes wondered down to spot a flickering street light. I watched it fight against the invisible entity in silence, as it finally sparked in defeat.  pursed my lips and slowly put pressure on the joint between my shin and knee, triggering the wheel to squeal as it began to turn.

        I closed my eyes as I moved along the side walk, feeling the breeze speeding up against my face. I sighed and bit my bottom lip before opening my eyes again, quickly punching the breaks. I flew forward, my upper end out weighing my lower and tilting the bike forward. I rolled a few times before my back hit a tree. I raised my head to peer at the thing that had caused my episode. I gaped as I began to quiver in fear, my eyes baring through the sockets of the long limbed creature. I locked my eyes on the beast, slowly backing up on all fours. So the rumors were true. He exists.

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