Chapter 2

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So after I rinsed my infected arm we made a little house. We had know idea what was going to happen at knight so we made a door with our house it was reinfourced pretty good. I was starving i asked them if they were hungry "Darry said a little"Marry said she could eat a hourse" we went to sleep . We woke up and we went out slowly. We walked down the vally of trees.

We were trying to find food we saw a huge nest . So we climmed the tree. We got up there and there was this huge nest but as soon as we got up there there was a monster Bird. It was huge we got out our spears . But for some reason it didnt seem fased so we looked around it turned back around and we saw them.She had babys in the nest so we backed up and got down.

Then we saw these dog looking creatures they were so ugley we killed them and cooked them. And ate them for dinner they were pretty good. Then darry said how are we going to get home. I said to be honest no clue.I went to sleep we woke up and it was frezing god it was cold. So we looked out side frost every were it was every were. Then mary said dang is it christmas, I said no kinda wish thougt its so cold .

Well lets go scout the land out. Then we went up the mountain some.It was a long walk we really could use some eggs and baccon said darry mary agreed" ok we will need to split up so we can scout more at one we split up Iwent closer to the forest there was a river going strait through the forest the water was sparkeling blue it was beatiful whit th light reflcting of the water. So I kept walking then after I got past the forest there was a big mountain.I kept walking

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