130. No Emergency Baby

Start from the beginning

He sat at his desk and leaned back in his chair, attempting to get a good stretch. A few of his students walked in, greeting him. After all of his students had arrived and were seated, he got up and began to teach. Suddenly he began to feel a pain run up from his abdomen into his stomach and ribs. He sat down on the floor as his students all looked at him in shock. One of the omega's in the class got up from her desk and walked over to him. Another omega went over to help her help Takeda to his feet.

They helped him to his desk. Takeda pulled out his phone and called Ukai as one of the Omega's that had helped him went to go get the nurse to help him.

A few minutes later, the nurse came into the room and started to ask Takeda some questions. Before Takeda even had a chance to respond to the nurse, Ukai came busting into the class. Everyone stared at him as he went over to Takeda in a panic.

"I'm taking him to the hospital, " he said; all the nurse could do was nod in response as He helped Takeda out of his chair at his desk and out of the classroom. He helped him to the parking lot and to his car.

Once they arrived at the hospital, they took Takeda to a room and asked Ukai to wait in the waiting room, not wanting to risk him becoming protective and causing a problem for the doctor. He sat in the the waiting room anxiously waiting for someone to come tell him if Takeda and the baby were okay.

"Are you Keishin Ukai?" a nurse came out and asked.

Ukai jumped up.

"Is he okay?!" He asked and made his way to the nurse. She gave him a smile and motioned for him to follow her.

He nervously followed the nurse to one of the rooms. There lying on a hospital bed was Takeda. He had an IV and a machine that monitored the baby and his own heart rate.

"Your okay, " Ukai said thankfully as he sat down in a chair next to the bed and took one of Takeda's hands.  Takeda let out a soft chuckle.

"Were fine, " He said.

A doctor came into the room with some papers in his hands. He shut the door behind him to give them some privacy.

"We have your test results. I am happy to tell you everything is perfectly fine, but we do have something to tell you." the doctor sat down on a chair on the opposite side of the bed and flipped through the paperwork.  He pushed his glasses onto his nose and took a breath.

"You are going to have twins, " he said with a faint smile as Takeda and Ukai both became in shock at the news.

"But how did we not know until now?" Takeda asked somewhat anxiously as he sat up a bit in the bed.

The doctor laughed a bit.

"There are many reasons for why it took this long to know. We do want to keep you overnight just to run a few more tests. We will let you go home in the morning, "he said, then he stood to leave.

Both Takeda and Ukai sat in silence and in shock at the news.

Me And Bokuto had a good date meow!

We cuddled woof !

🖤🖤Author: hello omega crew ! I hope all of you Are doing good ! I hope you liked this chapter!!!please stay safe!!!🖤🖤

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