he has a ton of ramen

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You walked with Jesse to Genji's room. It was only a five, maybe even less minute walk from the cafeteria. Of course, you wouldn't remember where his room is due to you trying to block out McCree's story.

There it was, the new member's door. You and Jesse exchanged looks at who should knock on the door. You glared at him enought for him to knock. Just as Jesse was about to knock, the door flung open, much to your surprise.

From what you saw from behind that door was strange. There he was. He had glowing red eyes, tons of scars, he wasn't fully human, like Jesse had mentioned, and his left arm was still intact. What an odd character.

Clearing your throat, you questioned Genji, "How did you know we were here?" You nervously laughed as he did not seem as a person for jokes.

"You two were so noisy I heard you down the hallway. Anyway, what are you two here for?" Genji explained and asked you two.

"We just wanted to meet ya, Reyes talked about you and told us, since you're on our team and all that." Jesse said to Genji.

"Ah, ok. Well is that all then? I need to continue something."

You couldn't tell if Genji was reserved or annoyed. Maybe both.

"Well, we wanted to talk to you a bit, just get to know each other so it's not too awkward... But if you're busy, we could come another time." You told Genji.

He thought for a moment, "Well, if you two like ramen... You can come inside." Genji opened his door wider so you both could walk in.

Immediately you noticed a gaming console and some dragon paintings, ones that looked ancient. You also saw lots of ramen packages...Besides that, the room was very plain.

"So, Genji what have you been doing here? I mean, you came recently but we haven't seen you around." Jesse asked.

"I've just been getting... checked up on as of now you could say. I don't want to go into further detail." Genji told you two, shifting his head down.

"That's quite alright..." You paused, "At least someone knows how to keep their privacy." You shot a glare at Jesse as a joke.

Genji, obviously confused, just stared at the two of you.

"Why did you join overwatch, Genji?" You asked.

"Uh..." Suddenly a timer went off in the kitchen. Must've been the ramen. "I'll be right back."

A couple minutes later, he came back with three bowls of ramen. You had tried it once before, it was ok considering it came out of a styrofoam cup. You hoped this was better.

You took a slurp of the ramen and it was... just heavenly.

"Woah Genji, where'd you learn to make this stuff?! It tastes really good!" You exclaimed to him.

"I always ate ramen as a kid, that's all." He was gonna mention on how he went so much the chefs gave the a recipe, but he couldn't open up too much yet. What if they betrayed him later on? He was much too wary after what Hanzo did.

"Ah, understandable."

You glanced over at the fellow cowboy who seemed to be in shock at how good it was also. Couldn't blame him, Genji knew how to make some killer ramen.

The three of you made some small talk as you ate your ramen. Genji was the most silent out of you two. Jesse asked him about it but, Genji just waved it off and ate his ramen.

What confused you was how Genji was eating with his face plate thing on. You wouldn't ask though.

In the end, it was nice. Genji seemed nice, just reserved at the moment and protective of himself. You probably wouldn't know how he became half-cyborg until years later. If he stayed until years later. Genji did mention he had to deal with some issues, tell the commander, then he would leave as soon as possible.

You hoped it wouldn't be too soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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